stocking question:)


New Member
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
In my 55gallon tank I currently have:
2 angels (young)
3 bosemani rainbows (young)
6 rosy barbs
1 gold barb
8 black skirt tetras
1 dwarf frog
2 bolivan rams
6 black kuhli loaches
2 cory catfish
6 long finned blue danios
7 zebra danios

My question is can I add more fish. There seems to be lots and lots of space for all of them lots of live plants good airration. I was thinking of getting more fish and what would be some good suggestions? I was thinking austraillian rainbows or something else any info or suggestions would be helpful.
i wouldn't add anything more, you're already pretty stocked in there. if you're are dead set on adding, the only thing i would recommend is more cories, they always seem happier in a bigger group and the bottom of the tank seem like the least stocked out of all your levels.

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