Stocking Question


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I currently have the following in my 30 gallon (36 x 18 x 12):

8 Von Rio Tetras
3 Otocinclus
1 Bristlenose Plec
1 Female Apistogramma Cacatoides

I want to add a pair of cacatoids so I have 2 females and 1 male. However, I'm a bit concerned because when I bought the last pair, the mail died and the female developed some kind of eye trouble. This was about 3 1/2 weeks ago and although the female seems healthy otherwise, she appears blind in that eye. I chose not to medicate her and I'm not sure if the eye will heal anymore. Will there be a problem with adding other cichlids in with her? Will she get picked on? Although her appetite is fine, she seems to have trouble seeing the food sometimes and the tetras get to it first.

I also wanted to add a school of about 6 cories. Would that be too much in the tank?

Could I add anything else? Any other suggestions?

I want to keep it to New World fish, only. Thanks!
If you're sticking to NW fish then cories would do it! :) As long as the filter is adequate and you keep up on tank maintenance, an extra 6 cories should be fine :thumbs:

Good luck finding more Cacs too, sorry to hear you had some bad luck with the first batch :/
Do you think it's safe to add more fish now considering the eye of the female cockatoo? I don't think what she has is contagious since none of the other fish got it. Should I wait a little longer to see if it clears up? It has been over three weeks though, and there has been little or no change in the condition for at least a week.
FoundMoney said:
Do you think it's safe to add more fish now considering the eye of the female cockatoo? I don't think what she has is contagious since none of the other fish got it. Should I wait a little longer to see if it clears up? It has been over three weeks though, and there has been little or no change in the condition for at least a week.
If you don't feel comfortable adding new fish then don't, I guess it would be better to let her get better first :thumbs:
The thing is I'm not sure her eye is going to clear up completely. This may leave the fish blind in one eye. It's sad, but otherwise I think she can lead a fairly normal existence.

However, I'm concerned that her disability may be a problem if I introduce other fish of her species. Will another cockatoo pick on her because she can't see out of one eye? Will she be able to compete for food?

I'm going to wait at least another week before getting any more fish, but I'm wondering what to do should her eye remain disabled.

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