Fish Crazy
I currently have the following in my 30 gallon (36 x 18 x 12):
8 Von Rio Tetras
3 Otocinclus
1 Bristlenose Plec
1 Female Apistogramma Cacatoides
I want to add a pair of cacatoids so I have 2 females and 1 male. However, I'm a bit concerned because when I bought the last pair, the mail died and the female developed some kind of eye trouble. This was about 3 1/2 weeks ago and although the female seems healthy otherwise, she appears blind in that eye. I chose not to medicate her and I'm not sure if the eye will heal anymore. Will there be a problem with adding other cichlids in with her? Will she get picked on? Although her appetite is fine, she seems to have trouble seeing the food sometimes and the tetras get to it first.
I also wanted to add a school of about 6 cories. Would that be too much in the tank?
Could I add anything else? Any other suggestions?
I want to keep it to New World fish, only. Thanks!
8 Von Rio Tetras
3 Otocinclus
1 Bristlenose Plec
1 Female Apistogramma Cacatoides
I want to add a pair of cacatoids so I have 2 females and 1 male. However, I'm a bit concerned because when I bought the last pair, the mail died and the female developed some kind of eye trouble. This was about 3 1/2 weeks ago and although the female seems healthy otherwise, she appears blind in that eye. I chose not to medicate her and I'm not sure if the eye will heal anymore. Will there be a problem with adding other cichlids in with her? Will she get picked on? Although her appetite is fine, she seems to have trouble seeing the food sometimes and the tetras get to it first.
I also wanted to add a school of about 6 cories. Would that be too much in the tank?
Could I add anything else? Any other suggestions?
I want to keep it to New World fish, only. Thanks!