stocking question

ok, they werent gouramis though, they didnt have those whisker like things, and they werent flat.
QUOTE (wrs @ May 18 2004, 03:33 PM)
i have a top already, i dont think that they r paradise fish, im not sure that those fish are gouramis though.

Sorry, see the eidted post. I would not advise adding to the top of the tank, maybe not even the middle. I think you're only option that avoids overcrowding is to get bottom dwellers.

lol. i dont know about the loaches, are there any cheap plecos that stay small?? or any bright colored bottom fish.
Bristlenose do, Butterflies (the true plec, not the loach) might, not positive on that one and a couple of other rare in the trade ones do.
how about puffers, the dwarf ones, they seem cool, were do they float about? maybe ill get ride of my fish for something cooler, lol, jk. thats mean i believe
Teelie said:
Bristlenose do, Butterflies (the true plec, not the loach) might, not positive on that one and a couple of other rare in the trade ones do.
IMO those you mentioned are too big for that size of tank. I have a butterfly plec and I can't imagine him in a 15gallon tank.

It's not their size, so much but the amount of waste theyr produce.

I don't think puffers should be in a non-species tank and some need brakish conditions when the mature.
i want something red, the fish mentioned, except the loaches, arent really brite colored fish, i am going 2 get 3 corys though, one of my LFS has a bunch of them, and theyre cheaper at that 1 store, they have bad goldfish, and other fish, they all have dirty tanks, but the only fish that have nice big and clean tanks are they neons and the corys. its kinda odd,
Dwarf Puffers I've heard can be kept in as small as 3 gallons which IMO is tiny but I do know they can be kept in a 10 gallon, and are Brackish.

As to the Plecs, I was sure a Bristle would go, and are you sure you have a true Butterfly Plec? L-052 or L-168? One is more of an algae eater and probably a bigger waste producer but the other I think is less algae eating so it might produce less waste.
Teelie said:
As to the Plecs, I was sure a Bristle would go, and are you sure you have a true Butterfly Plec? L-052 or L-168? One is more of an algae eater and probably a bigger waste producer but the other I think is less algae eating so it might produce less waste.
I have an L052, presuming that question was aimed at me. :unsure:
Cheese Specialist said:
Teelie said:
As to the Plecs, I was sure a Bristle would go, and are you sure you have a true Butterfly Plec? L-052 or L-168? One is more of an algae eater and probably a bigger waste producer but the other I think is less algae eating so it might produce less waste.
I have an L052, presuming that question was aimed at me. :unsure:
Yeah, I was meaning you. :D Hmm, the L-052 is the more omnivore one. So much for the theory of less waste. :p

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