Hi, I currently have a 180gal, not long purchased and as I have always been more interested in smaller type fish I am not toally comfortable with the stocking side of it. My current stocking is;
2xBlood Parrots (One could be moved to my 62gal)
1xGold Saum
1xElectric Blue Jack Dempsey
2xClown Loaches (another growing out in my 62 but will be moving once big enough)
1x Red Shouldered Severum
4xTinfoil Barbs
1xSenegal Bichir
1xStriped Anistonus (possibility I am gonna take this back)
Ok, there is also a small list of what I want to add but not totally sure on the compatibility of them with the larger aggressive cichlids, or indeed the tank stocking levels. I am after;
1x Some sort of Dat (Just as a single specimen)
1xLima Shovelnose
1xSome sort of plec (this is a definate, but not a 30cm+ one. Prob going to be Bristlenose)
Possably, if not overstocked,
Group of Catfish, Possibly Pictus or Hoplos ( I already have 4 Hoplos in my 62 I want to transfer when bigger)
1xArmoured, or Marble Bichir
I am just after some advice on possible stocking from those lists please from anyone with experience with them.
Thanks in advance Vinny
2xBlood Parrots (One could be moved to my 62gal)
1xGold Saum
1xElectric Blue Jack Dempsey
2xClown Loaches (another growing out in my 62 but will be moving once big enough)
1x Red Shouldered Severum
4xTinfoil Barbs
1xSenegal Bichir
1xStriped Anistonus (possibility I am gonna take this back)
Ok, there is also a small list of what I want to add but not totally sure on the compatibility of them with the larger aggressive cichlids, or indeed the tank stocking levels. I am after;
1x Some sort of Dat (Just as a single specimen)
1xLima Shovelnose
1xSome sort of plec (this is a definate, but not a 30cm+ one. Prob going to be Bristlenose)
Possably, if not overstocked,
Group of Catfish, Possibly Pictus or Hoplos ( I already have 4 Hoplos in my 62 I want to transfer when bigger)
1xArmoured, or Marble Bichir
I am just after some advice on possible stocking from those lists please from anyone with experience with them.
Thanks in advance Vinny