Stocking Question (sorry) For 180gallon Large Fish


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, I currently have a 180gal, not long purchased and as I have always been more interested in smaller type fish I am not toally comfortable with the stocking side of it. My current stocking is;

2xBlood Parrots (One could be moved to my 62gal)
1xGold Saum
1xElectric Blue Jack Dempsey
2xClown Loaches (another growing out in my 62 but will be moving once big enough)
1x Red Shouldered Severum
4xTinfoil Barbs
1xSenegal Bichir
1xStriped Anistonus (possibility I am gonna take this back)

Ok, there is also a small list of what I want to add but not totally sure on the compatibility of them with the larger aggressive cichlids, or indeed the tank stocking levels. I am after;

1x Some sort of Dat (Just as a single specimen)
1xLima Shovelnose
1xSome sort of plec (this is a definate, but not a 30cm+ one. Prob going to be Bristlenose)

Possably, if not overstocked,

Group of Catfish, Possibly Pictus or Hoplos ( I already have 4 Hoplos in my 62 I want to transfer when bigger)
1xArmoured, or Marble Bichir

I am just after some advice on possible stocking from those lists please from anyone with experience with them.

Thanks in advance Vinny
Just thought I would add a quick pic

Anyone got any advice on the proposed stocking list?

Thanks Vinny
Hi Vinny,

Nice looking tank :)
Sorry, I can't help with the stocking list, but just wanted to say don't lose hope. I think the board 'slowness' has driven some of the regulars underground for a while, but I'm sure they'll all be back once everything is back to normal :)

Hi, is that a thumbs up for full stocking list there m8? I thought that looked slightly eccessive and thought i could get the best mixtures off people who keep the bigguns.

What is goin on with the site by the way, thought it was just my comp runnin slow
Hi Ren, I am gonna put the Hoplos in there for the same kind of job that cories do. I do love cories though, i have them in my 62gal. As I use sand in all my tanks I find they are great at breaking up the waste and keeping the sand clean.

Ok Nelly, this is the full list, gonna write it all out together, make it easier for a mix an match game :good:

2xBlood Parrots (One could be moved to my 62gal)
1xGold Saum
1xElectric Blue Jack Dempsey
2xClown Loaches (another growing out in my 62 but will be moving once big enough)
1x Red Shouldered Severum
4xTinfoil Barbs
1xSenegal Bichir
1xStriped Anistonus (possibility I am gonna take this back)
----------------------------------------------------------------------above all already have
1x Some sort of Dat (Just as a single specimen)
1xLima Shovelnose
1xSome sort of plec (this is a definate, but not a 30cm+ one. Prob going to be Bristlenose)
1x Armoured/Marbled Bichir
----------------------------------------------------------------------above I really want, going to Pier Aquatics this saturday too so may get some

Does that not look overcrowded if I get them all?
it possibly will be overcrowded with everything in there. one way to look at it, i can't imagine a full grown dat with all the other fishes in there, like parrots etc. not saying that it can't be done.

hmm you might want to take it slow from here. get the fishes you want and you can arrange them between tanks as you like. you won't be closing the 62 gallon yes? so you should be more than enough space (both tanks) to keep your fishes in. fishes that would over grow the 62 can be added to the 180g

by the way i just saw your jack dempsey picture. would easily be mistaken as food by other fishes (especially larger ones) like the dats or lima
Thanks for the reply. Yeah my JD is quite small, about 2 inches or so. I have had him about 6 months now and he is just beginning to fill out so I think a growth spurt is on the cards now. Tbh he could easily be moved to the 62 for a while but a) I dont want to keep moving him as I know they can be quite weak and die without any real warning, b) I dont like the idea of adding a large cichlid later on when the GT and Parrots are fully grown.

The Dat is probably going to be a luxury I just never get round to buying also. The best shop I get to is Pier Aquatics and I have never seen a Dat in any shop ever so I may struggle to get one. The Flagtail will prob be next as they always seem to have one in Pier. I am looking to get the Lima quite small as I like to grow fish out from young ages everything will be similar hopefully.

My 62 is staying set up yeah. I am currently growing out the 4 Hoplos and a Clown Loach which is on his own as 2 others died after a white spot outbreak a while ago, and 2 Bristlenoses. These are tiny at the minute but this is generally what it will be used for, as a feeder to my 180. Ah well, looks like the Dat is gonna have to be sacrificed :sad:

Thanks for the advice m8

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