Stocking Opinion

A possible stocking (if you want the fishes to breed) would be:
8 ember tetra; 8 kubotai rasbora
pair borelli apistogramma
8 pygmy cory
4 nerite snails.
Loads of great advice in here but this is the winner for me - it would be a stunning tank!

I would like to get some figures for the water hardness though, it makes life much easier all round to stock with that as the starting point. The flip side of the stocking in harder water would be

3 Thick Lipped Gourami (Red variant)
6 Rummy Nose Rasboras
8 Emerald Rasboras
6 Rosy or Inle Loaches

Could potentially swap the gourami for livebearers like Guppies, Endlers or Platies.


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