Stocking My 10G Tank

I actually dont know about any other rasboras sorry, but you can do quite a few guppies, id get all males so you dont have to deal with babies. Maybe 10-15 guppies if you have them selves alone.
well I may could order some chili's. They were some on eBay, so what could I do maybe 4 guppies and 4 chilis?
Youd want probably 6 chili, and like i think 2-4 guppies.
OK thanks! I will consider that setup.
I'm surprised no one has pointed at a betta setup. Bettas are loaded with personality and would consider a 10g a nice home. You could probably add in a few friends as well.
what would you recommend to put in with a betta.
So if it were you alls tank, would you go bbetta and Corie's or guppies? Also if I did betta and Corrie's could I put a African drawf frog in there?
No, you dont want to over stock it, and the frogs can be tricky to feed.
I'm really thinking hard about getting all male guppies and a couple of platies and a couple ghost shrimp.
OK after seeing a video of a betta with about 6-7 rasboras I have made up my mind! This is the setup I'm going with, maybe add a couple ghost shrimp cause I think they look cool but the betta may have them for lunch
My female betta never bothered them and she saw them. I'm not sure if males would react differently and she is slightly aggressive. 
All bettas act differently, some will be docile with tank mates, some will kill them all...
You may want to look at peacock gudgeons, they're small and colorful. Just in case you havn't fully made up your mind yet :)

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