Stocking List


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, England
These posts were always prevalent on the Malawi forum but don't see many here. Its all on the up so time to look seriously at a stocking plan for my 37x24x24. I already know that my pair of clowns, chalk goby and cleaner shrimp will be going in. There is plenty of CUC already but will add some more shrimp and snails. I am sure I want to try a group of Chromis (I know, I know lots of potential problems but I want some), definitely an algae blenny, probably a peacock wrasse and maybe a pair of firefish. I would also like a bi-colour or a flame angel as the final addition, but any suggestions welcome.

P.S I don't want to spend a fortune on single fish.
I;d strongly recomend a lawnmower blenny my favourite marine tank fish bags of personality and interesting behaviour
I think the algae blenny is the same thing as the lawnmower isn't it? They have 2 in the LFS and they look superb always busy. Definitely going in, he will be first thing in the quarantine tank.
I would skip the Chromis there are much better fish you can add a pair of firefish are difficult to come by and will be pricey.

Dwarf Angels
Yellow Tang or a Kole Tang

The issue you will have is there is no real solid rule for marine stocking levels it depsnds on flow / LR and Fish bio load the only way t tell if over stocked is by stats so its better to be under stocked.

Its better to have your stock planned before you add anything as you may need to manage aggression
Thanks Morri, Seffie suggested Anthias ages ago but I'm afraid they just don't appeal at all, they look more like they belong in my Malawi tank. I'm afraid the Chromis are definitely going in. I can pick up a pair of firefish in my LFS for £26 presume that is a pretty good price though, he doesn't hold a huge amount of stock and can pick up whatever is wanted from TMC, his Chromis are £4 each.
The Chromis will most probably have a go at your clowns there are far more attactive cichlids than chromis but thats just my thoughts the only time I have seen these looking good is if there is a shoal of 30+

£26 for a pair of firefish seems way too cheap last pairs I seen went for £100 for Reds, £150 purples and £400 for Helfrechi.

So if a genuine pair I would rip his hand off if not a pair one will kill the other, some fish will tolerate there own species in a shop but will not once they start setting up territories.
Well I'm open to suggestions just like the Chromis but if there are alternatives that I can keep as a small group then that would be a consideration. Definitely pair of reds, they have been together in the tank in the shop for 3 weeks now always either touching each other or within 2 inches of each other, so about as paired as they could look, only other thing in their tank is a algae blenny. He is a one man band in a small industrial unit and is happy just to supply customers needs on the fish front and dry goods front without the staff and big premises overheads for example H20cean is £49, Rowaphos is cheapest I have seen, and getting an MP40ES from him for £335, his speciality is unusual corals his advice is good and there is always a coffee on the boil. His tanks are immaculate and he doesn't sell for the sake of it, he wants to be sure his stock isn't going to be dead within an hour of leaving the shop.
Woody, I agree with everything Morri said :good: but in particular re: the firefish - they can be kept for weeks in the alian world of a lfs and not fight, get them in your tank and their will be trouble!! I suppose you may just be very very lucky, but experiance tells us it usually ends badly! However chap in your lfs sounds ace, so maybe he would take one back at the FIRST signs of trouble?

Seffie x
Best shoaling fish for me wuld be Diamond headed Anthias or Anthias Ventralis

But on a 3 foot tank any shoal would be small better to get some stunning show fish flasher or fairy wrasse seen some scotts flashers recently very nice indeed

Stocking is alwatys difficult balance in a marine tank

A good place for ideas is
Surely the Flame Angel is going to be expensive. Range from £75 for a tiny one(probably Juvi) to £100 for a slightly larger one around me.
I would expect to pay 50 - 60 for a nice flame Angel but no one said ths hobby was cheap ;)

Bare in mind the flame angel should live 10 years so £5 - £6 a year for a stunning fish is a bargain to me :)
Yeah you would expect to pay arounf £70 for a nice flame. Ive seen them being sold on other forums for £50 out of peoples tanks though. If thats the fish you only live once :)
Went to LFS today, he is going to hold the red firefish for me for 3 weeks. They look good together but we'll see I suppose, he usually gets 6 or 8 and then removes the odd ones out hoping to end with a pair. He is a pretty quiet shop so has penty of opportunity to look at the stock tanks that are 5 foot from his till/computer, so let's hope his diligence nets me a pair. Flame is going to cost me £60 from him and I am keen on one. Will research your other suggestions later thanks everyone. Any more ideas?
A pair of orchid dottybacks - bu they tend to be seasonal and havent seen any in the shops for a while

Seffie x

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