Stocking levels


Fish Addict
Jul 21, 2002
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I was wondering what your thoughts might be as to how many fish my tank would support.

In an atlas I have (copyright "95), the author recommends 2.5" (6.25cm) of fish per 20"sq. (130cm) surface area.  Going by the reference chart for how many fish per 1000cm & how many cm per fish, I come up with the following: - 15gal (12x24") tank -  1/Peckoltia (10cm) - 12/Tetras (5cm) left--enough for a pair of dwarf cichlids or 4 more tetras.

4" + 24" + 8" = 40"--!!

(I've deleted the second 2 formulas I came across.  Just realized they were from diff. forum.  Oops, my bad.  Was wondering why no replies ;) )
Right..And if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled many peppers would Peter Piper pick ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)

Sorry...could not resist.

Now I will go back and re-read your post more closely and see if I can't come up with a logical answer

Ahem...15gal (12" x 24").
Believe me, it's in there, sorry if it's a bit wordy.

1/Pekoltia (4")
2/Black Phantom Tetras
2/Ulrey's Tetras
2/Head & Tail Lights Tetras
1/Dawn Tetra
(5 tetras juvenile, 2 adult)
I'm just in. I'm pis*** have had a couple or more alchoholic beverages but will say depending on your filtration,airation,and a couple of other things the "rules" can mean squat. if you know the output(gallons/liters) per hour of your filter pump and where you've positioned it. I could let you know if you've over stocked or not. only if you're nice though. ;) :p :laugh:
:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :) smiles are nice, right?
You know, it was so long ago, I'd have to check at the LFS.
It's an AquaClear 200, if you're fam. with that.  It's located center back of the tank.
I know you can even push the limits of a tank with extra care (that's not for me, though), and that the 'rules' are only guidelines,  but I'm confused by the discrepancies above, well the third anyway (I think the first two kinda agree--?).  Big diff. 'tween 22 & 40".
I'm not 100% familliar with your filter but for each cm of a fishes body length will require 30 cm2 of water surface in a tropical freshwater system is one of the most popular sugestions. We had a bit of a debate about this in the old forum I'll look to see if it's still available and I can find the link for you. one popular misconception is as long as you have bubbles(airstone etc) in your tank it is getting airiated. O2 gets into the water by the breakage of resistance in surface water so to maximise the O2 content in a tank it helps to have the filter outlet as close to the surface as posible.
Others may have some better suggestions though if that isn't possible. I'll do some checking for your filter etc for the flow rate. bets thing is to get anbantoids then all the rules go out of the nearest
P.S. smileys are good. lol :laugh: :laugh:
Is that the one with foam blocks? If so they are good filters.

What type of media are you currently using in it?

AquaClears..if I remember don't really break the surface tension of the water all that well. What I mean is it is more of a cascading return than a hard one..right?

You could raise the stocking levels a BIT by adding several airstones thus generating more surface agitation.


It's easyier for me to work out stocking levels from what fish you have and size of tank. So after the review. You'r on your limits.

As for the filter. It cascades into the water. There dam good at adding air to the water. As for the foam blocks, if you havent got them, get them there work really well with this filter. ;)
Errrr...what Davy said...true it is....

I was in a bit of the same disposition as adeyc was last night...and welllll...errrr....didn't quite get my point across...

Thanks said what I couldn't say last night.

Did someone say stocking levels? Oh I would say top of thighs, fishnets would be nice, with a lovely red bow at the top. :laugh: A nice set of sussies to match.
Dang Dragon you beat me to it :D . I am the wrong person to ask advice about stocking levels. Especially since all 15 of my tanks are VERY over stocked. But hey I haven't had a death in a very, very, very, very (get the idea) long time. Rose
Like Davy said, I think it's pretty good about adding air to the water, especially when the water level drops a little.  Stopped at LFS, filters 200gal/hr.  If you mean the foam inserts they sell for it, yes, that's what I use, along with the charcoal, and just recently the ammonia insert.  (With three inserts I noticed the flow was cut noticably.)  I added ammonia insert 'cause I don't use Ammo-Lok when adding water, just Aqua-Safe, which I don't think neutralizes ammonia, unless they changed it.  A few years back there was a big to-do because they were adding more chrlorine/ammonia to our water and to be sure to use Ammo-Lok/something like it.  'Course seein' as I just realized my water is different from everyone else's in the area, may not hold true for me, have to check.  Anyway, I'm removing the ammonia pouch, and replacing it with crushed coral (for pH).
I have recently invested in an Eheim wet/dry breathing filter. It is an external filter. I found that the inbuilt filter with my Juwel aquarium just didn't have the umph that was needed to clear the small particles. Mine cost £124.99 from Animal House. MRRP £162.56. It is absolutely brilliant. It consists of 4 sections,each wet and dry, and you can insert any type of media in. I've used a diatomic powder as my finest sieve. The powder is sanwiched between the charcoal and ehfisubstrat media. The powder claims to be able to stop the ick protozoan from passing through. It is guaranteed to eliminate 73% of ammonia and 67% of nitrites. There is also a 2 way flow system built into the filter so that the medium is alternatively wet and dry. Excellent gadget. Saves plunging your hand into the tank every time you need to clean out the filter and or do a water change. The taps are self connecting snap on's. Once the good bacteria have been established on the dry media you never need to lose them again. All you ever need to do is change the special cartridge.

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