stocking ideas for a 10-15 gallon betta tank?


New Member
Sep 2, 2024
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hi there!! i was wondering if anyone had some good/interesting stocking ideas for a small tank with a betta? i know all the usual stuff but i figured id post here to see what everyone had to say! my girlfriend is planning on getting a betta at some point and ive wanted to expand my aquarium selection for a while so we've settled on a 10-15 gallon tank. we both adore bottom dwellers/catfish/loaches so if anyone knows anything that could suit that size (other than pygmy corys, i have some) let me know! i was primarily thinking about shrimp (my girlfriend loves them) so if anyone has some cool shrimp to recommend comment those as well! i was also thinking a small school of kilis but ive always liked them in larger schools
Shrimp are usually ok with Bettas but avoid fish that live in the upper half of the tank or are bright colours. These are more likely to be attacked by the Betta.
Shrimp are usually ok with Bettas but avoid fish that live in the upper half of the tank or are bright colours. These are more likely to be attacked by the Betta.
yeah ive kept bettas for most of my life! we will be observing behavior in the tank because in my experience it depends heavily on the fish and the tank. each little betta has a different personality and ive had some that would kill anything that moved and others that were incredibly peaceful, even in large community setups. they also sometimes change their minds on this haha so we have contingency plans as well in case aggression starts.
Cherry Shrimps are awesome !!!

A complete mix of colors makes very interesting individuals popping all over, all the time.

I don't know a lot about Plakats, but a Splendens has nearly no chances catching one. Their eclectic lightning fast reactions upon attack leaves them wondering what happened.

I agree with kpewv it depends on the betta. I had some that lived with bristlenoses without problems and other that killed themselves trying to get them out the tank.

Sadly, even the smallest can shred a betta to rags without moving an inch. And more the betta insist. Tougher the Ancitrus.

One day you wake up to a pleco sucking on a betta on the bottom.
As @Colin_T says shrimp can work with bettas, however I would recommend starting with amano shrimp and see how they get along before getting any smaller cherry shrimp. For bottom dwellers I would recommend otocinclus. There a really cool algae eating catfish that stays small and are often out and about. I would also say dwarf anchor catfish (Erethistes jerdoni). These are a small and very peaceful catfish. I haven't personally kept these but they seem really cool. If you do decide to get some just make sure there not to small as the betta may think there food.

Hope this is helpful.
As @Colin_T says shrimp can work with bettas, however I would recommend starting with amano shrimp and see how they get along before getting any smaller cherry shrimp. For bottom dwellers I would recommend otocinclus. There a really cool algae eating catfish that stays small and are often out and about. I would also say dwarf anchor catfish (Erethistes jerdoni). These are a small and very peaceful catfish. I haven't personally kept these but they seem really cool. If you do decide to get some just make sure there not to small as the betta may think there food.

Hope this is helpful.
ive kept jerdoni!!! love those little guys!! thank you! i super appreciate it
UPDATE! looks like the small tank may turn into a 20g hex as i found one for a good deal!!! very excited but our apartment is going to be very cramped haha
As @Colin_T says shrimp can work with bettas, however I would recommend starting with amano shrimp and see how they get along before getting any smaller cherry shrimp. For bottom dwellers I would recommend otocinclus. There a really cool algae eating catfish that stays small and are often out and about. I would also say dwarf anchor catfish (Erethistes jerdoni). These are a small and very peaceful catfish. I haven't personally kept these but they seem really cool. If you do decide to get some just make sure there not to small as the betta may think there food.

Hope this is helpful.

Amano's are not going to reproduce in aquarium, cherries, one of lost ten of found.

Oto's are great with betta, they are really fast and non threatening.
Personally, I let my betta live alone (outside of a few snails that hitchhiked in on plants). Bettas are territorial. They don't get lonely. Just the opposite. It depends on the personality but some bettas might tolerate tank mates. But that's all it is, putting up with. I believe that even if the betta doesn't attack them, they're stressed by the presence of other fish.
Amano's are not going to reproduce in aquarium, cherries, one of lost ten of found.

Oto's are great with betta, they are really fast and non threatening.
From what I remember, it's quite difficult to breed amanos. They hatch in salt water but then you have to move the babies to fresh water.
From what I remember, it's quite difficult to breed amanos. They hatch in salt water but then you have to move the babies to fresh water.
Female amanos regularly carry eggs in fish tanks, mine were almost constantly berried. Amanos hatch to a larval stage in fresh water, unlike cherry shrimp which hatch to a miniature adult shape. In nature these larvae are washed downstream as they need brackish water to thrive. When they metamorphose into 'proper' shrimps they swim back upstream to fresh water. The difficulty breeding them is having the correct salinity for the larval stage and feeding them with what they need (microscopic algae).
As @Colin_T says shrimp can work with bettas, however I would recommend starting with amano shrimp and see how they get along before getting any smaller cherry shrimp. For bottom dwellers I would recommend otocinclus. There a really cool algae eating catfish that stays small and are often out and about. I would also say dwarf anchor catfish (Erethistes jerdoni). These are a small and very peaceful catfish. I haven't personally kept these but they seem really cool. If you do decide to get some just make sure there not to small as the betta may think there food.

Hope this is helpful.
The trouble with jerdonis is that they prefer their water quite a bit cooler than bettas. In my experience they don't live very long at betta temps.

Bettas really seem to live longer and thrive better if they are alone. They just don't like company. They can do OK with relatively lethargic species, and they don't seem to notice shrimp and snails. It's hard to go wrong with amanos. But personally, I'd leave out other fish.
ive kept jerdoni!!! love those little guys!! thank you! i super appreciate it

I find them wonderful, but on the sites they say that they want very oxygenated water, have you noticed this? because I wouldn't mind with a betta!

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