You have a great many options with this tank and your very soft water. I agree with Colin on the dwarf gourami, but there are other gourami species. Honey Gourami are fairly common, and there are some other less common species though most are a bit smaller, if that matters; pygmy sparkling gourami, croaking gourami, etc. The Pearl Gourami is a larger possible, quite peaceful. The Trigonostigma espei (lambchop rasbora) are well suited to most of the peaceful gourami. The very similar T. hengeli is a bit more colourful with the almost irridescent copper blotch.
If you do decide on any gourami, they are sedate fish so must have less active tankmates, like the rasboras mentioned. There are some other rasbora species, including the dwarf Boraras red species like B. brigittae.
Finding suitable substrate fish is a bit trickier if you want to stay with the SE Asian geographical region, but one of the dwarf loach species might work. Or if not bothered by mixing continents, the Corydoras catfish. These are all shoaling species requiring a group.