4 more algae eaters to that
In my opinion nothing is better than a group of 8 rummy nose tetras. Given the right conditions they will look epic especially against a dark background. Their red noses will really pop and their tails will develop some nice colour as well
4 more algae eaters to that
I've read really really mixed things about siamese algae eaters. There doesn't seem to be nearly as much information commonly available on them. Some say minimum groups of 6, some say they're best kept alone, some say anywhere in between is fine. The fish store I bought the 2 from recommended to just start with the 2 and see how they do so that's what I've done. I couldn't find anywhere else that was successfully keeping true SAEs, so I just went with the recommendation.

Also, I worry that 6 would be too much for a 55 gallon. They get pretty big. I suppose I could try to find a different home for the little dudes but I have no local aquarium club, no close fish store, and no idea how to ship fish nationally.
In my opinion nothing is better than a group of 8 rummy nose tetras. Given the right conditions they will look epic especially against a dark background. Their red noses will really pop and their tails will develop some nice colour as well
I love the look of rummy noses, although it would mean giving up the biotope

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