Hi, I'm researching options for my first tank. I think I'd like to get a 20 gal, maybe 30, in the long style. I haven't bought it yet, so I don't know dimensions. I plan on adding live plants and driftwood, and cycling before buying fish. My water is soft to mildly hard, so I guess I need to add oyster shell to the filter? My main question is the choice of fish. I have decided on a school of 8 white cloud minnows, with perhaps a single male swordtail and a ghost shrimp or two. From what I can tell, they prefer similar water conditions. Does that sound acceptable? Would the shrimp do ok controlling algae or should I consider an oto over the swordtail? Also, any suggestions on plants/substrate? I haven't even researched that part yet. I have a petco and a petsmart, but don't know of a LFS here. Thanks for your help! Just trying to get it right.