Stocking A 900 Gallon Indoor Pond!

aren't archers brackish? if so, what about a shoal of mono sebae?
if not, silver dollars and black skirt tetras.
well, i found they can live quite well in freshwater.

Toxotes microlepis can live in freshwater and I think are more suited than any mono...whenever I see monos for sale in freshwater they always have something wrong with them. If he was to go for monos, he would need to make sure that GH stays hard.

Probably the same deal with the archers though.

If Loony Fish is serious about keeping archers, he would be best to try keeping one in a tank with the same water first -should be no problem if he can afford to build, heat, filter and stock a 900gal pond anyway :).

It just saves loads of archerfish getting ill in the pond - if the fish doesn't do well in the tank, just convert the tank to brackish, much easier to achieve than with 900gal.
the archers have lived in freshwater for a year. they are great :hyper:
a 900 gallon pond, woooooh lucky ole you,,,<forget the archers>
shovelnose catfish
tinfoil barbs

I like your idea :good:

Imo Oscars and Tinfoils would ruin it....Also alot of people are starting to get arowna's, I would go for something out of the ordinary and do a nice biotype for the archerfish.....Im not sure but I think there may be a puffer you could add but dont quote me on that....

With a 900 gallon id have either a reef or a single Fahaka puffer :D...

BTW has it got a front view glass or will everything be viewed by birds eye because that is important also....
Personally, going on an evil suggestion somebody made on the forum, I'd fill it with silver dollars, put a railing around it with a caution sign. Every time my neice messed with one of my tanks, I'd make her put her hand in it while I talked about how lucky she was I keep my piranhas well fed.
Personally, going on an evil suggestion somebody made on the forum, I'd fill it with silver dollars, put a railing around it with a caution sign. Every time my neice messed with one of my tanks, I'd make her put her hand in it while I talked about how lucky she was I keep my piranhas well fed.

thats is just plain evil... but an excellent idea :lol:
I'm not sure about microlepis, which I think is freshwater, but the other archerfish species are brackish. They will cope with freshwater as they are born in it but move out to estuaries as they grow. (T. jaculator/jaculatrix).
If you go microlepis, minimum size of tankmate is 8cm. If you go with one of the others it's 20cm. Their mouths are like drawbridges - if it can fit in there they will swallow it whole. I have seen them eat fish half their own size.
yeah arent archers brackish? you're going to cancel alot of options here with a brackish pond. i'd say flood it with moray eels :lol:
As you are likely to be looking in from the top I would go for something like rays.

I can just see the Archerfish jumping out all of the time.
Clown Loaches.
Those are cool. :D

Oh! If your not getting SMALL FISH, try getting a ACF? (African Clawed Frog)
Or, go with ADF's.

Gouramis? Those things are beautiful.
(Blue, red, yellow, pink.) :)

Since its a 900 G, get some Bala Sharks. They grow huge, but with the size of your pond, they'll be in great conditions. Make sure you have caves, and plants of such. :D

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