Stocking A 24g Nano


New Member
Aug 19, 2007
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Hopefully going to buy a D&D nano cube this week and was wondering what is the best stocking option, the reason i ask this is so i am able to reaserch specific stuff in advance.
Once i have the tank up and running with LR etc. where do i go from there what would be the best things to add and at what stage.

all the help i can get would be much appreciated

many thanks

2 clownfish, a pair of neon gobies, 1 cleaner shrimp.
Have a look through these, might answer a lot of questions:

what would be the best things to add and at what stage.
You need to put the cleanup crew in first after the cycle finishes. Certain snails and hermits first, all else goes after. If you're wanting to add corals, those definitely should come later in the tank's evolution. In addition to Musho's suggestion I'd also like to throw out a royal gramma as an idea...I don't know how they are in community tanks with other competing fish, but I gave one the run of the open water in my nano recently and it's one of the most interactive fish I've ever kept. I'm sure others probably have better stocking ideas though.
Yes, I have recently came back after a year of being a nonfishfanatic, and my tank has really gone down hill. I have a 20 gallon long tank. I currently have a clownfish, and some coral.
Fishwise some of my favorites are-
-Small Gobies
-Sixline wrasse is a very beautfiul fish that is perfect for a 24 gall. since it only reaches 2 inches.
-Clownfish- Perfect size for two small percula clown fish, those look the most like nemo, and only grow 2 inches long.

With you size tank I would advise you to only get around three, 2inch fish, and a maximum of 6 or 7 inches. My mistake was putting in too many fish. I had a yellow damselfish, a jawfish, two clownfish, and a goby. I had a horrible algae probably and that screwed me over bigtime, but after I sold my damsel, and 2 clowns, I had perfect water.

You also want to leave room for coral, and other types of creatures, such as maybe a few skunk shrimp, very nice I had 2, and they also had lots of babies, but of course they all got sucked up by the filter, but a great source of food for coral and such. You also want room more you cleaner crew, and maybe one of the green crabs...I forget the name. Good luck!

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