Stocking A 12.5 Gallon Nano!


Fish Crazy
May 3, 2007
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i have a 12.5 gallon nano ready to stock soon. i have no idea what to puyt in it yet. so far there is 2 kilos of live rock. planning on adding more LR in the next week (shop is stoill curing it).

so what would you stock it with? done all water tests and all was great, PH was on the higher side of normal being stable at 8.5, but as long as it stays like that, its fine by me...i still have my 25% water change to do anyways.
i was thinkin 2 clowns, s shrimp (not sure what ones) 1 firefish and 4 snails. then add some corals!
i wouldnt keep clowns (even the small percula and false percula) in anything smaller than a 20 gallon. If you really want them i guess you could fit one....
Yeah, stick with two fish MAX, and I wouldn't do 2 clowns, IMO they are too active.
what would you stalk it with? im new to salt water so im open to ideas.
2 neon gobies or 1 firefish or another small goby. :) You can also have a shrimp.

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