Stocking 40G


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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I was thinking of starting a 40G planted tank with the following stock:

- 2 Angels
- 20 Cardinals
- 1 Bristlenose Plec
- 7 Corys?

I won't be doing anything until this summer as I am schooling 2 provinces away from my actual tank atm :crazy:
I was thinking maybe a triangle scape as I have a couple nice pieces of driftwood at home.
Once I get this tank started I'll do a DIY yeast setup shown here: DIY Yeast Setup

The tank currently has no lighting at all. Should I go for ~2wpg? or lower than that?
I was thinking of getting a couple T5 lights for it. Would that be enough?

The filter on the tank is a Fluval 3+, would I need to add a powerhead for extra circulation?
Also, I'll be setting up a 20G sump for this hopefully filtration wouldn't be a problem...
For substrate I was thinking of topsoil covered with silica sand. Is topsoil high enough in nutrients? Or would I have to go with the expensive stuff? :S
Free Bumpage! :D
A lot of the questions you've asked, I dont know the answer to , but I can tell you that the Fluval 3+ won't be able to provide the filtration needed. I would use an external filter like Fluval 305, it doesnt tank up a lot of water mass like internal filters do. Also, I think for your setup, 2WPG is sufficient. And CaribSea Eco-Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate is one of the best substrates available, so I would use that :nod:
Would a sump be better compared to an external filter?
I've heard different things from different people depending on what they've been using already...

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