Stocking 35gal Hex


New Member
Jun 3, 2006
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Florida, USA
I just bought a used ~35 gallon (US) hexagon tank (diameter 22", height 23"). I've been wanting to set up an aquarium for quite some time, and I've done a good bit of research on various types of fish. I'd like a good sized group - at least 4 - kuhli loaches.
I also like danios, rasboras, white clouds, and some tetras. I think I'd like to get loaches and 10-15 small schooling fish, all of the same species....I just don't know which one. Can you eliminate any of the above groups for me based on the size and shape of the tank?
I just bought a used ~35 gallon (US) hexagon tank (diameter 22", height 23"). I've been wanting to set up an aquarium for quite some time, and I've done a good bit of research on various types of fish. I'd like a good sized group - at least 4 - kuhli loaches.
I also like danios, rasboras, white clouds, and some tetras. I think I'd like to get loaches and 10-15 small schooling fish, all of the same species....I just don't know which one. Can you eliminate any of the above groups for me based on the size and shape of the tank?
My personal feeling is that with your tank not being very wide you probably need to keep slower moving fish and not ones that like to zip about all over the place. Saying that there's nothing to stop you its just that you won't see the faster moving fish at their full potential in a narrow tank. Something like a gourami would look good.

In terms of ease of keeping, then the rasboras are great and look good to + are slightly less active than tetras and much less active than danios. Glowlights and also cardinal tetras Ive also heard are quite hardy but are more active than rasboras. I think there isnt enough space for danios pesonally.

I would personally with that tank get a pair of Angel fish and fit everything else around them but hey that me
I just bought a used ~35 gallon (US) hexagon tank (diameter 22", height 23"). I've been wanting to set up an aquarium for quite some time, and I've done a good bit of research on various types of fish. I'd like a good sized group - at least 4 - kuhli loaches.
I also like danios, rasboras, white clouds, and some tetras. I think I'd like to get loaches and 10-15 small schooling fish, all of the same species....I just don't know which one. Can you eliminate any of the above groups for me based on the size and shape of the tank?
My personal feeling is that with your tank not being very wide you probably need to keep slower moving fish and not ones that like to zip about all over the place. Saying that there's nothing to stop you its just that you won't see the faster moving fish at their full potential in a narrow tank. Something like a gourami would look good.

In terms of ease of keeping, then the rasboras are great and look good to + are slightly less active than tetras and much less active than danios. Glowlights and also cardinal tetras Ive also heard are quite hardy but are more active than rasboras. I think there isnt enough space for danios pesonally.

I would personally with that tank get a pair of Angel fish and fit everything else around them but hey that me

Its 22" wide, so it can easily take tetras!
I didnt say it wasn't wide enough for tetras. I said that you wouldn't see them at their full potential. They are relatively active fish and I think look better in a longer tank that they can swim up and down in a school.
Oh ok, fair enough. I see no objection to having tetras in a nice sized 35 gallon. Go for it!
Thanks for the input.
I looked at the profiles and stuff about angels - this is my first tank, and I'm not sure I want to try those right away. (I'm probably going to be setting up another ~50usgal aquarium in the near future, so its possible that some fish will get moved around.) How "tall" do angels get? I noticed that you recommend 18"+ of depth.

Nobody's said anything about white clouds - would they do well?

As far as gouramis, how many dwarf gouramis are necessary in a group to keep aggression down? The profile here just says "one or several."

Again, thanks for all the help.
One more question...
I've been looking at filters as well - the aquarium didn't come with one - and I'm wondering about the Penguin Bio-wheels. I've read several people that absolutely hate them, as well as excellent reviews. Is it common to have problems with the wheels sticking?
I've also been looking at Aquaclears.
Each company has a model rated for 30gal and one for 50 gal (150 and 200 gph respectively). Would you recommend the larger or the smaller for a 35 gal tank?

Thanks again,
white clouds will be fine nice active fish that go wild when theres food around, great to watch them fluttering thier fins too

all the best :good:
White Clouds are one of the most hardy fish in this market. they will do very well in an open 30 gallon.

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