Step By Step Guide - Riccia And Java Moss

We went to the LFS (not so local being in SD) and came back with tons of great looking plants :) while planting these in our 60g (more pics to come in the journal for that tank) we found some little pieces of what we think is Riccia Flutians. We're going to take some pictures but we've put the pieces in a plastic tub (like Jim suggests) and are letting them float. They've grown out a lot even just over night.

We'll post pics...and we were wondering if y'all would identify it for us. Looks a lot like Riccia to us.
Kudos to you for taking the time to show so explicitly and clearly how growing this plant is done. The "carpet" effect is my favourite look in a planted aquarium and I didn't think I'd be able to achieve it but thanks to your clear instructions, I'm going to make an attempt at it.

Once again, thanks for taking the time!!!
thats stunning!!!!
im going to give that a go with java moss now then later with ricia.
thanks ever so much

Hi, sorry if this has been asked already, but does the java moss need a hairnet? If not, how does each strand get tied down so as not to go floating off the slate?
OK, so you put the java moss on the slate or whatever, put the hairnet over, THEN tie it down? Sorry... just making sure I got this right. XP
No you should only need the hairnet, that'll hold it in place as long as it tight enough.
just scored a heap of riccia. i mean a heap.

too much probably hahaha

man does it ever make a mess!!

tied some onto this non very sinkable plastic thing... will see how we go!
OK, so I tied some java moss onto some small tiles and "secured" them with a hairnet. BUT even though the hairnets are as tight as I could make them, they're still not FLAT on the tiles. I mean, it's pretty close, but it's not FLAT. Does this matter too much?
hi guys, sorry i haven't been online for AGES. only got a few mins while the boss is out but wanted to say thanks to sam for replying in this thread, cheers mate.

in the java moss pics i used a hairnet then wrapped cotton thread around it a few times to keep it flat to the tile. it's not essential just a safety precaution in case burrowing fish get their nose under the net.

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