Step By Step Guide - Riccia And Java Moss

could i use something called "hardware cloth"?

i saw it at a home improvement store and it says its galvanized. This means that it wont rust in the water right?

also, i got these white hairnets but i think they are made out of cotton. I pull pretty hard on it but it doesnt rip although im sure that it isnt nylon because it doesnt look like plastic. If i use this to wrap the riccia in, will the hairnet disintegrate and leave my riccia floating?

The steps for growing java moss & riccia are fantastic. I would really like to try this with our tank. We are just getting started ( Our first real tank) We are still in the process of cycling and do not have any fish in the tank yet. Should we wait until the cycling is done and fish are added before we introduce the java moss to the tank? Still learning the hows and whys. Would appreciate any info you could give us. Thanks

Queen Bee
Nice writeup Jimbooo. Will be really helpful to people who wanna play with riccia.
I too have some riccia in my low tech tank. DIY co2, PLL lighting of around 4 watt per gallon. And my riccia pearls like anything.

I have tied it to a rock with some nylon thread and it stays there with out freeing up. Now i am planning to make some carpet tying riccia on different flat stones.
hi,i want to start a planted tank but dont know what i will need to have it as nice as yours,please could you give me some info on the type of equipment needed and how a co2 system works :D

kind regards paul
hi,i want to start a planted tank but dont know what i will need to have it as nice as yours,please could you give me some info on the type of equipment needed and how a co2 system works :D

kind regards paul

post a new topic in the planted section then we wont be hi jacking this thread, as sometimes it can go on for a long time lol

i use fishing line, it is invisible, it can be hard to use so patience is required until you get the hang of it.

Cotton is easier if you want to use it aswell. I find hairnets impossible to use, but everyone is different!
Thanks a million for this guide.

I have so far put Java Moss on 5 pieces of bog wood, all of which are now beautiful!

I have just recieved some Ricca so looking forward to making a nice carpet!

Brilliant thread, possibly the best on this forum! :rolleyes:
Great Post Jimboo

Really informative and simple to follow :)
I'm glad it's still of interest, i wrote this over three and a half years ago!! at the time i thought i was helping a handful of people but now with over 40,000 views it seems to live forever lol.
just got my java moss today so just about to try it out. will let u no how it goes

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