a "fish hater"
ChestnutMoray55 please don't take this the wrong way, but a month ago you were telling us that how your shrimp were of comparible intelligence to chimps and other vertebrates. Now you're saying you have no problem subjecting fish to conditions that are at best less than optimal?
Well unfortunately, i do take shots like that the wrong way.
It was not the shrimp whom i was speaking of; it was reef squid.
You fool.
In a tank, with a good caretaker such as myself, the fish have a 100% better chance of surviving to maturity than in the wild. So, i give them salvation in exchange for a little discomfort. Think about it: would you rather die young, or experience some discomfort, and then live a long life?
Also, Ethos and I are but children. So that effects our patience level. However, lacking a steady income, we both managed to create beautiful tanks. Our methods must work fairly well, since we are not constantly purchasing replacement fishes. See the connection?
Sometimes, sometimes.