Just an update, I've stopped testing daily, as everything seems to be going smoothly, and will just wait till I can do a big water change.
New things are now appearing, the strange tubes everywhere, that have been nicknamed trumpets are still growing, but are now adorned with red algae, which is also taking over the rest of the tank, one thing though, the alge has bubble on it, not within the algae just bubbles of air, it looks the same as pearling in freshwater plants (when they release pure oxygen after absorbing CO2), and I'd assume the algae's doing the same thing, but just wanted to check. Theirs also quite a few normal hydroids with the little crowned heads everywhere, and yes i have double checked to make sure they aren't aiptasia. Theres also a few macro algae plants that are just starting and look totally awesome since their maybe 4 mm high and have split numerous times to make a little bush.
haven't been able to do much with the tank today, as I'm doing a major rearrange of the freshwater tanks tomorrow, and have been emptying tanks, and removing gravel etc all day.
Forgot to ask, I told Mum the tank had cycled, and she's really eager to get her Pajama Cardinals as they'll be the first fish in the tank, they'll be given 4-6 weeks quarantine first, but is that long enough for the tank to settle and be ready for fish?