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What are the dimensions of the tank?  I know it is 180 litres or 47 gallons, but the length, width and height are very important.  Remember the adult size of these fish I mentioned earlier...they need a lot of space and I am very doubtful this tank is anywhere sufficient for more than a bonded pair of angelfish.  It certainly will not hold seven angelfish even on their own, more than a very few months as a growing tank.
Aside from that, never mix barbs of any species with sedate angelfish.  The barbs are much too active.  Some will also be tempted to fin nip sedate fish.
I concur with Byron. 7 angels in a 180 litre is a bad idea. I wouldn't have more than 2 either. I'd also drop the barb idea as Byron says as the angels will have no fins left. Angels are much better with things like large tetra's or similar. I have mine with both tetra's and harlequins ... some might wince at the harlequins as the angels are techincly able to see them as lunch but mine are fine with them. No munching at all but then the harlequins were there when the angels were babies and the fish are well fed so there's no need for them to snack on each other.
There is lots of info on and around the forum about seeding filters and also cycling a new tank and so I'm not going to repeat it here. 
agreed...barbs are a bad idea.  Stick with the tetras.  They can be very colorful.  Male Emperors are pretty.  Just make sure you research before you buy.  Also, a school of cories are fun to watch. 
Okay thanks, will run with the pair idea and drop thr barbs.... Logic was that barbs I have owned previously have been pretty sedate and never nipped when in large enough groups! But I'll take a hint from the experts here!

As for the pair idea, I was unsure about having more than 2 hence why I gave the two options.

As for the tank size I listed to the advice from earlier on, where it was stated 50cm is a minimum height for angels.....height is 55cm and length 92cm which I believe gives the, just enough swimming length and height as adults.

I was under the impression emperor tetra were quite nippy and many other species may become angel food? Could you suggest some suitable tetra for a large school?

Also in terms of swimming areas without the barbs what could I have as a bottom swimming fish?
Hi again, that tank size is fine for angels. I think my tank is about 55cm high and my angels are adults now and they've plenty of room depth wise.
As to tetra's - I have two types of emperor tetra's. I have 
Inpaichthys Kerri's - just three males remaining from my original shoal of 10

The Kerri is peaceful and easy going and will shoal well in large enough numbers. It has no special requirements that I am aware of
I also have Nematobrycon Palmeri

Now these are a total different ball game. They are territorial and so won't shoal - this is the downside. The upside is they are more stunning visually than the Kerri. With their bright blue eye and trident tail (males only) along with the bright purple body they are very pretty fish. I have 5 males and 4 females now (I lost a female last week) and I've not seen any real aggression. The males do spar but nothing major comes of it. I'd only consider these type if you plan to plant the tank as they need to have somewhere to hide and cool off when the sparring starts.
Both os these are fine with angels. Neither are nippy to my angels (not that I have seen anyway). They are also large enough not to be seen as food. Both are commonly labelled as 'Emperor Tetra' but it's obvious which is which by looking at the eye and tail. The female Palmeri has green eyes and doesn't have the trident tail.
Another I'd recommend as 'okay' with angels (if you get the angels young enough) is the harelquin rasbora. I have some Gold Headed Purple Harlequins in with my angels and the angels leave them be. They shoal well too. If you are interested I did a thread about them a few weeks ago
Hopefully there's some useful info there for you :)

oh, forgot to say ... bottom dwellers? It's got to be corydoras :D That's if you have a sand substrate though. Cories can't really be kept on gravel as it damages their delicate mouths 
I think Akasha has missed the volume of this tank...I still would not suggest anything but a mated (bonded) pair.  There is no room here for a group of angelfish.  The length for a group must be no less than 121 cm (4 feet).  There will not be sufficient space otherwise.
Byron said:
I think Akasha has missed the volume of this tank...I still would not suggest anything but a mated (bonded) pair.  There is no room here for a group of angelfish.  The length for a group must be no less than 121 cm (4 feet).  There will not be sufficient space otherwise.
I certainly havn't missed the volume 
Akasha72 said:
I concur with Byron. 7 angels in a 180 litre is a bad idea. I wouldn't have more than 2 either. I'd also drop the barb idea as Byron says as the angels will have no fins left. Angels are much better with things like large tetra's or similar. I have mine with both tetra's and harlequins ... some might wince at the harlequins as the angels are techincly able to see them as lunch but mine are fine with them. No munching at all but then the harlequins were there when the angels were babies and the fish are well fed so there's no need for them to snack on each other.
There is lots of info on and around the forum about seeding filters and also cycling a new tank and so I'm not going to repeat it here. 
I have already said no more than a pair of angels
The O.P was asking questions about emperor tetra's, I answered them.
Not sure what I've done wrong to be honest ... but I'll bow out now. Good luck with your tank plans FingersOfFish
Akasha, you've misunderstood me.  Sorry I wasn't clear.  In your post #20 you said:
Hi again, that tank size is fine for angels. I think my tank is about 55cm high and my angels are adults now and they've plenty of room depth wise.
The OP was considering seven angels, so I was trying to make the point that this tank is still not sufficient size.
It is better to be safe than sorry when I don't know what the person is thinking behind the writing.
Byron said:
Akasha, you've misunderstood me.  Sorry I wasn't clear.  In your post #20 you said:
Hi again, that tank size is fine for angels. I think my tank is about 55cm high and my angels are adults now and they've plenty of room depth wise.
The OP was considering seven angels, so I was trying to make the point that this tank is still not sufficient size.
It is better to be safe than sorry when I don't know what the person is thinking behind the writing.
Thanks for the help anyhow.
I will be proceeding with a bonded pair instead and re-considering tank-mates. Would have loved a group but unfortunatley my home just isnt big enough for a 4ft!
Just to help clear up the misunderstanding, when akasha said the tank size was fine for angels, I believe it was in reference to the op's question in regards to aquarium depth.
jag51186 said:
Just to help clear up the misunderstanding, when akasha said the tank size was fine for angels, I believe it was in reference to the op's question in regards to aquarium depth.
That was exactly what I was saying Jag and I'm still upset that my words were misunderstood. I'd already said that the tank wasn't large enough for more than two angels. I didn't need to repeat that. I was purely trying to state that the depth was fine.
Just to rock the boat. I have 10 Altum Angels and 7 Denison Barbs in my tank along with mixed tetra and a group of 5 Cory Cats. They are all doing just fine and the Denisons don't bother my Angel fish at all. the tank is planted with Amazon Swords on a sand substrate and lots of bog wood.

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