So in a 30G you would be looking at like 4-5 males and 8-10 females. Which doesnt sounds anywhere near as bad as the 50 per 10 gallons.
I think that 50 per 10G rule would only be appropriate in much larger tanks. I would try and keep the female ratio up and go 4M 10F. Some of the apisto species have some nice looking females so you wont be missing out on colour. My plan was to fill the tank with Mopani roots and heavy planting that went right to the top. Would give plenty of hiding spaces and thought it would look cool too. Then a nice big shoal of something too - a bit more to it then than the standard community tank.
Agree with Wills on suppliers. I was out at Wildwoods last weekend and they have some really nice ones in. What put me off in the end was the cost of apistos in the shops near me - much better if you kind find a couple of local breeders.