Starting A Tropical Fish Tank

theyre neon tetra arnt really any good with a betta ime

you might get away with some micro rassbora

id say for stocking

1 betta
10 shrimp
6 micro rasbora
but that will need over filtering and good mantanence
theyre neon tetra arnt really any good with a betta ime

you might get away with some micro rassbora

id say for stocking

1 betta
10 shrimp
6 micro rasbora
but that will need over filtering and good mantanence

ok, can i get some info from you. like the following:

What does the temperature of the water be.
Nitrate Levels
Ammonia Levels
And any other factors to consider?
the temperature wants to be at like 25-27 i think thats what i have mine at

nitrate low as possible if not none
amonia none
nitrite none
ph i believe between 7.2-7.5

but get a second opinion on this, thats is what i aim for
the temperature wants to be at like 25-27 i think thats what i have mine at

nitrate low as possible if not none
amonia none
nitrite none
ph i believe between 7.2-7.5

but get a second opinion on this, thats is what i aim for

so for tropical fish the temperature has to be around 25-27C yes
thats what i have my bettas tank at i believe but like i said get other peoples opinions on the temp and ph
thats what i have my bettas tank at i believe but like i said get other peoples opinions on the temp and ph

so 25-27 should be ok for cherry shrimp, micro rasbora and betta
i think so but get another opinion
The temperature of the tank depends on the species of fish. Some fish need a higher temp and others prefer lower temps. I'd recommend around 26 degrees Celsius.

There are 4 important tests that need to be done on the tank (there are also some others but they are not as important). The test that you need to be doing are:
Nitrate and

The ammonia and nitrite test readings need to be at 0 after fishless cycling, before you can add any fish. If you have not already, I suggest reading the fishless cycling thread. This will explain the Nitrogen Cycle and how to fishless cycle a tank.
Good luck with your tank!!! :good: Fish keeping is a great hobby if it is done correctly.

EDIT: Spelling
i think so but get another opinion

so how long do you think it will tank me to cycle my tank before i can start putting fish in.

is it really all i need to do is get no ammonia, no nitrate and the PH of 7ish
may i just say.55cm x 44 x 28 is bigger than 25L i have a 60L that is 60x 30x 30.

ok thanks thats very useful to know, its just in the description from where i bought it, it says 25 litre tank and the dimensions 55cm x 44 x 28

Have you read the Fishless cycling thread???
i have it says around 3-4 weeks, but surely if the conditions are right the fish can go in the tank right?
Once you have cycled the tank and when 5ppm of ammonia is added to the tank it can go down to 0ppm after 12 hours. Thats when you can add the fish.
Once you have cycled the tank and when 5ppm of ammonia is added to the tank it can go down to 0ppm after 12 hours. Thats when you can add the fish.

im new to this, 5ppm of ammonia? and how does ammonia get reduced, through plants and the filter. how is this measured, thanks
In a fishless cycle you add 5ppm of ammonia (bought froma store) into the tank. After awhile the bacteria that live in your filter build up. They feed on the ammonia and this is why when you have fish, hopefully, the ammonia will stay a 0 ppm.

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