Started my Fishless cycle

Getting some of my daughters filter media will not be possible as her tank is a Fluval flex with a built in filter. Her filter only consists of a large black sponge with openings to fit in mechanical media which I noticed she does not have, as she was not long ago given this tank from a friend. That’s why I could not take any of her media before. She gave me a plastic plant from her tank that I put into my tank 2 weeks ago. This has not made any difference I have exhausted all ways to get media from an established tank but I have admitted defeat 😃
One issue with Fritz Zyeme7 or any bacteria in a bottle, you don't know if the bacteria is still alive.

First I would take a handful of gravel from your daughter tank and put it in your filter.

Second, I would make a nice Gin&Tonic and just be patience.
What happened about trying dr tims or tetra safe start? They are the two proven supplements. I've used both and they work. I've currently as of today just started cycling a brand new 240 L tank with brand new filter sponges. I am using Dr Tim's for the ammonia and tetra safe start for the bacteria.

100 plastic plants probably wouldn't work!

I have an established 110 L but I am leaving that alone (I.e not using it to seed the new tank) because want to do a "clean" fishless cycle for more experience and I am not ready to move the fish from the 110 L to the 180 L yet anyway.

What stopping you trying Dr tims or tetra safe start? Finance? Sourcing it? They are different from all the other "bio enhancers" on the market
What’s the pH in the water you’re using? Also, what temperature is the tank being kept at? The efficiency of the nitrifiers is affected by pH and temperature - they prefer their water to be fairly warm, in the mid eighties Fahrenheit or even 90F if an heater will push it that high, just while you cycle. They grow fastest if the pH is around 8.2 or 3. They grow a lot more slowly if pH is closer to neutral or acidic or the water is much colder.

If your daughter has a cycled sponge filter, I would take it and rinse it out vigorously in the least possible amount of conditioned new water and don’t be gentle with it. Wring it, twist it, give it some hard whacks on the side of the bucket or container you’re rinsing it in - the idea is to knock some of the nitrifiers off. You won’t knock off enough to affect your daughter’s cycle but you will knock off enough to give your cycle a kick start. Pour it into the filter grunge and all. It may cloud water, if so, that’ll be temporary. If it spits some grunge out that settles on the substrate, you can vacuum or siphon that up later.

Way back when I got back into fish after a longish time away, I had to learn about the cycle too. It hadn’t been discovered when I first started fish keeping in my early teens.

My first tank was the same as the one I had way back when, 29G and I had two danios to cycle with and used Eco Complete substrate which was supposed to have ‘beneficial bacteria’ in it. Long story short, ammonia started to rise and then there was a nitrite spike. I was sure my fish would die but someone kindly helped out.

A fellow hobbyist gave me a bag full of what he called ‘filter rinsings’. He rinsed out the filter sponge from a filter on one of his tanks and gave me a bagful of rather gross looking water, which I simply poured into the tank. It made quite the mess on the substrate. But it also reduced both ammonia and nitrite to zero and gave me a nitrate reading in just 36 hours. The rinsings came from a filter on a fully stocked 60G tank - so there were plenty of bacteria in it.

So the filter rinsings can help even if they come from a small tank with a low bioload. The nitrifiers are relatively slow to reproduce, roughly once in 24 hours so it does take a little time but your cycle will progress even if you don’t kick start it with anything. But a kick start definitely speeds up the process.
My PH is 7.4 temp is 81F
I have ordered a bottle of Tetra Safe Start. This will be my 3rd brand of adding bacteria. I can turn up the temp, but do not want to play around with the PH
Just want to know if I am doing things ok and will this tank EVENTUALLY cycle in what time frame. Getting very impatient now 😂
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I have just added a 300ml bottle of Tetra Safe Start let’s see what happens now. If anyone has had success with this product when will I see results 😀
I have just added a 300ml bottle of Tetra Safe Start let’s see what happens now. If anyone has had success with this product when will I see results 😀
I added my Tetra Safe start & ammonia to get to 2.0ppm yesterday, but with completely new tap water and brand new filter media, brand new everything. I'll race you! No cheating :D

I'm leaving my temp at 78 F for now. Also, do you currently have an ammonia reading, because I think the safe start bacteria will need something to feed on (more advised members will correct me on that if needed).
Just for reference when I cycled my 15 gallon a couple years ago (since upgraded) it took about 6 or 7 weeks.
Is it possible and advisable to buy from someone at random used filter media to seed my tank. I have asked 2 pet shops near me one being a pets at home store if I could buy old filter media. Both said no.
It depends if you trust that other person's fish tanks to be disease free. I would never use media from a shop for that reason like I never put shop water from the bag into the tank when buying fish.
Media from other fishkeepers can be hit and miss. If you don't know the person and not seen their tanks over a period of time I wouldn't risk it either.
Have you had any movement in your ammonia readings yet? I think you added your Safe Start about the same time as me? I added mine this Wednesday. Since I dosed the ammonia and Safe Start this week, these are my readings so far. Brand new 240L tank, with brand new filter sponges (no seeding). Small amount of brand new and washed sand. I added 3 bits of new driftwood on Day 2.

Day 1 Ammonia 2.0 Nitrite 0.0
Day 2 Ammonia 2.0 Nitrite 0.0
Day 3 Ammonia 1.5 Nitrite 0.0
Day 4 Ammonia 1.0 Nitrite 0.125

I've been running at 76F and I am now going to increase to 86F and add the remainder of the Safe Start bottle. I initially dosed exactly, so I added 180ml from the 250ml bottle. Once the temperature reaches 86F later today, I am going to add the remaining 70ml of Safe Start
No nothing yet I have left it a few days fed up seeing only Ammonia reading I will check later
i added my full 300ml to tank in one go.
I started with fully washed sand about inch and a half deep. 5 new silk plants added 2 days ago and 1 plastic seeded plant 3 weeks ago.
temp sitting at 81F
Safe Start added on Thursday 2pm
My Ammonia is 4ppm. Do you think this is too high a reading
i keep putting my hands into tank to rearrange the plants, will this affect Cycle
if I could only get seeded filter media to boost it
i started this on 2nd Aug
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I’ve just tested my tank still no change. So frustrating
Ammonia 4ppm. Nitrite 0
will this ever cycle. I need stuff to seed the tank, I’ve tried 3 different bottled bacteria
What is your pH? Most (but not all) Scotland has very soft water with low pH. The bacteria we want to grow do so faster at higher pH and with some inorganic carbon (KH) in the water.

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