Starlight Bristlenose Success

ive got a few young plecs myself that someone sent me in the post, how big are those u cant really tell by the pictures?
They are wee stunners!
Well done and I hope 'Daddy' has had a meal by now.. :)

I so so so want more tanks so I can have loads and loads and then some more plec's! :wub:
Awwwwww! Congratulations :fish:

I need to go and buy the lottery and then some scratch cards to I can get more tanks.... only just managed to convince my man to allow me to set up my big tank...LOL :hooray:
Just thought I'd do an update....

we're having a few 'misshaps' at the momnet...

I disturbed Mr bristle when cleaning the filter in their tank and he deserted the eggs...
He'd turfed them out the next morning but was still in the cave, fanning, so I turfed him out and put the eggs back in .. it worked for a few days but he turfed them out again.

I Put them in a tupperware in another tank with water flowing through it but some had fungus
I checked them tonight and some made it... we have wigglers in a breedign net now. (we lost 75% to the fungus though :()

The 2nd female will probubly spawn again in the next couple of days too :eek:

As for the existing fry, we've lost half a dozen so far - not bad really but I dont like loosing any.
I've been doing weekly 20% and everyother day about 5% water changes and feeding a good varied diet.

Fungus :(

But we do have some fry - fingers crossed for them
Looking at my old thread, I see there were a few replies while I was away in January and see the remark Tokis made - have you decided what they are yet (in terms of L number) ?
Looking at my old thread, I see there were a few replies while I was away in January and see the remark Tokis made - have you decided what they are yet (in terms of L number) ?

doh - missed this thread for a bit - sorry.

Now they have coloured up proerly - they are jet black - pointing straight at L182's :)

HOWEVER... to keep me on my toes... PC has just updated their L182 entry.... they now get to 10" and dont have an Inky black colouration as adults.... that shoots me in the foot again!
Here's a pic of one of the fry that smithrc kindly delivered on Saturday !!! ;)

He's about 15mm long at the moment, and is about 2months old I think.



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:hyper: wow gorgeous little thing ! :wub:

How many did you have from that batch Russ ?

wow - looks a lot larger than 1.5cm (just over half an inch !?)
maybe 20mm, but the picture was taken on 'macro' on the camera, so was zoomed right in ;)

He was in a fry trap when I took the pic, waiting to be transferred into my other tank ;)
maybe 20mm, but the picture was taken on 'macro' on the camera, so was zoomed right in ;)

He was in a fry trap when I took the pic, waiting to be transferred into my other tank ;)

I measured them at about 1" when picking them out ;) (so 20-25mm)
(you sure thats not the 1week old one that sneeked in :p)

We had about 20 make it past 10mm from the first batch... 10 now gone (but they are still small)
since then we've been having parenting problems... and umm... fry being eaten problems...

I've now got a grow out tank setup for them and them alone ;)
Nah, it was definitely one of the larger ones ! ;)

They're now all in the Trop88 now, apart from one that made a bid for freedom into the 4'6" tank when I was transferring them into a jug, to then transfer into the Trop !!!! ;)

Ah well, I'm sure I'll be able to identify him/her when they get a little bigger :D

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