Star Spangled Bettas


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I wish I had a better camera (these pics just don't do them jusice) -- I think I might try my video camera tomorrow and then do screen-caps from it.

Anyway here we go...

This is Patriot ... (he's the one I saw yesterday and had to return to the LFS to buy!)

And this is the other betta that I *had* to buy too -- I mean, how could I decide between these two LOL ... (no name for him yet)

Here hey are, "getting aquainted" ...

(I actually put a piece of cardboard between the two tanks though so they can't see eachother.)

I'm officially addicted now!! :D
jacblades said:
ooh so pretty!

such nice finds for a lfs!

are those 2.5 gals?
Thanks guys!!

Yup, they're 2.5 gallons. They need a little work. Each has a little clay pot, but I want to add a couple java ferns too.

I was surprised to find them at the LFS. I asked the owner if they were from a local breeder and she told me she just ordered them through the company that they get all their fish through.
They really are very nice. But why seperate them with cardboard? Isn't it better if they flare at each other? It makes 'em look prettier, and as far as I know doesn't do any harm.
David said:
They really are very nice. But why seperate them with cardboard? Isn't it better if they flare at each other? It makes 'em look prettier, and as far as I know doesn't do any harm.
I dunno, maybe its just me but they look so upset and stressed-out when they flare (though very pretty too!).

And thanks for all the compliments guys. :*)

Are they what I've heard called "American Pride" bettas?
What color CT female would you guys buy if you were going to breed one of them?
betta_lova said:
Wow You're lucky! I thought they'd be gone already!
most people dont know what "nice" fish look like. to them, a ct is a vt is a hm...
if i see a fish i want, i usually have no problem letting it sit in the store for a day since there arent really that many serious betta enthusiasts out there...
Flaring isnt bad for them and keeps their finnage healthy and so has less chance of rotting or anything.

It is also good for keeping them active and less lonely.

I would suggest using a semi-transparent divider, like frosted perspex or something so they can tell there is a betta the otherside when up close but dont get stressed out when they just want to chill out in the tank and relax. Also doing this means they wont remember that there is another male next to them so they will always come back for more beautiful flaring and not get used to each other, (like mine did as i used clear acrylic to seperate them).

They look beautiful anyway, just make sure they dont push their way past that cardboard as you wouldnt want either of them getting harmed!


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