Stagnant Water.

I don't 100% agree with you on your post there. I've only ever known stagnant as stale, not particularly pleasant. It was only yesterday when I was looking due to this thread that I discovered the word also being used for just "still".

You and I aren't going to come to one agreement on this. You have your point of view and that's fine - it just doesn't agree with mine at this time.
However, we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one as the original poster seems to be referring to water which has sat out overnight which we agree is fine to use and thus answers his question :good:
it was described to me by a aquatic sales person, "how long would you leave a bottle of water before drinking it?"

there is no time scale, just that how fresh do you like it?
i'd simplify it as.. how long does it take to cycle a tank?

Here in valencia, I need to got LFS to buy safe water for the tank.. and they reccomend a "shelf life" of 3 months with the bottles kept in dark cool places....
Tap water is as hard as the glass of the tank itself!
When i make new water for water changes, i add the dechlorinator/etc. and then spray the water from my sink into my bucket.

So you are filling your sink with water and then moving the water to your bucket?

If so, that's not a great idea. The problem is that your sink will have lots of traces of cleaners/bleaches/washing up liquid etc. Even small trace elements of these products can be harmful to the fish. Best to fill to the bucket directly and only use that bucket for fish based activity.....never cleaning it with household products.

if that's not what you are doing, the I apologise for misreading your post.
i'd simplify it as.. how long does it take to cycle a tank?

Here in valencia, I need to got LFS to buy safe water for the tank.. and they reccomend a "shelf life" of 3 months with the bottles kept in dark cool places....
Tap water is as hard as the glass of the tank itself!

you buy aquarium water.... what a bumma feel sorry you man!
When i make new water for water changes, i add the dechlorinator/etc. and then spray the water from my sink into my bucket.

So you are filling your sink with water and then moving the water to your bucket?

If so, that's not a great idea. The problem is that your sink will have lots of traces of cleaners/bleaches/washing up liquid etc. Even small trace elements of these products can be harmful to the fish. Best to fill to the bucket directly and only use that bucket for fish based activity.....never cleaning it with household products.

if that's not what you are doing, the I apologise for misreading your post.

Oh i'm terribly sorry for not being clear there, i spray the water from my tap's HOSE into my bucket. Completely by passes the sink altogether :)
sorry to interrupt but i think i've read correctly in people use warm water straight from the tap to make the water the correct temperature?
i was always told that i shouldn't use warm water from the tap, something to do with nasty bacteria in the warm water, i have always filled buckets, then topped it up to the right temp with boiling water.
is it good or not good to use warm water from the hot tap?
Stagnant water is due to no circulation/water movement and the problem is that it normally causes a lack in oxygen. Why are you leaving your water out to sit? If you are adding dechlor, you should be able to add it straight to the tank (as long is there isn't any C02 bubbles in it.)
He;s letting it sit so that the water will become room temperature.

Is it a cold water tank then?

Why not just measure the temp out from the tap? Just some suggestions to save time and make things easier.

he also said that the water that comes out of his tap is ice cold. Please read all of the posts, guys:)

Yes, I read that, but does he not have a hot facet?!
If you have the old style "holding tanks" for hot water it's probably not a good idea to use it as there is risk of contaimination from metal - I believe they used to be made of copper?
If you have a combi boiler system (hot water heated on demand) then it's really no different to the water from your cold tap - just be careful to not add too much hot. A dip in temp is better than getting too hot - but again it's going to depend on the sensitivity of your fish.
Then for other fish like corys it could well get them spawning.
I don't use hot water from the tap, not because I think it's bad (though in some cases it might be, if the hot water has been sitting in a dirty old style open water tank, or in copper pipes/tanks and you keep inverts) - but because I don't think it matters, the water from the cold tap isnt so cold that a 50% water change should make that much of a temperature drop to harm fish, and as mentioned, for some fish it's more natural and they seem to like it.

On the other hand, I often use warmish water from the electric shower, mainly just because it's convenient.
Unless you have very old fashioned plumbing, or water pressure that fluctuates so that the temperature could drop or increase considerably while you are filling the tank, it's safe to mix the hot and cold water at the tap. Just add the water conditioner directly into the tank before adding the water. That's part of the reason a python is such a convenience. :D
Unless you have very old fashioned plumbing, or water pressure that fluctuates so that the temperature could drop or increase considerably while you are filling the tank, it's safe to mix the hot and cold water at the tap. Just add the water conditioner directly into the tank before adding the water. That's part of the reason a python is such a convenience. :D

I would also that as long as you do not have too much C02 in your water it is safe (tiny C02 bubbles.)
i i have a brand new combi boiler so it should be safe to use hot water straight from the tap?

Yes dave its safe, i have a new combi<well 2yrs old> i was told if you remember when i added all that cold and my fish went crazy, that i should add hot with cold, so now i do this around winter time, summer seems to be fine, but last few weeks ive added hot with cold, only need about 1-2litres of hot into 8 litres of cold, maybe less hot, i have not exsperienced any problems as of yet, have now preformed this way for a year or so... :good:

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