Staffie/boxer Pup Wanted

Im after a staffie or boxer pup (10 weeks max). Was just wanting opinions firstly, as they are both known as chav dogs round here, but my other half is adamant that they are ideal with kids (we have a baby and toddler). Im not sure....whatcha think?
And does anyone have any pups on the way so to speak?
Cheers x
My name is Rhonda I have three children one in which is a two yr old. I have had my dogs for at 2 half yrs. the father of the pups is a british staff mum is staff/boxer. they are so good with the kids its not funny not once has any of my three children been hurt besides over excitement when in playful manner between children and dogs, never bitten just pushed on bottom but never has the baby been caught in this situation they're always gentle with him especially the male, they seem to have a bond for ex, when he was 6 mths old my son would crawl and lean on the dog and it wouldn't bother the dog ever they are very close still to this day. so i believe they're great with young children. i truly think it depends on how you raise your dog and the bond with the child. I have nine newborn pups very strong and beautiful first time mum and dad. you can contact via email our address is [email protected]
pica_nuttalli if this bit "I think that it is irresponsible to insist that because your large, well-trained dog is good around children that all dogs of a similar heritage will be just as well-behaved. It is slightly better to highlight the need for good training to make a good dog, but to insist that this will be easy-peasy does nothing to help out the owner or her potential dog" was aimed at me then id like to say my 3 year old dog is not trained part from house train and he sits thats the only training he has he has been brought up since a day old with a toddler for one plus my son and dog as been together at an early stage so they both together have been taught whats right and wrong.
Okay I am already getting mad, staffies are NOT naturally aggressive to other dogs or children.
If anyone researches their history they will find that staffies were bred to NOT be people aggressive this was so that any owner could seperate their dog in the pit, it had to be loyal affectionate and not people aggressive to be able to be used for fighting in the first place.

The reason they are so good with children is that they are very very tough, by this I mean they will allow young children to pull on them hit them etc and they do not even feel it (children should not however be allowed to do this, they should be bought up to respect the animal they live with and any other animal for that matter aswell). Imagine other dogs tolerating this, some will some won't. Every breed will have exceptions and by the way the top dog listed for dog bites is the golden retriever / labrador!!!!!

If you do not have experience with staffies I do not see how you can comment on them, let alone generalise about the entire breed!!!!!

By the way if your dog bites someone it is always your fault, there is always something that you could have done to prevent it happening!!!!!

To the OP
My advice if you go ahead with getting a puppy staffy is to get a list of breeders from the kennel club and go and visit a couple of litters before you buy, ask to see the parents and interact with them, see if they have the temperament you want. If you decide to get an older dog try an internet search for stafford rescue in your area, many people give them up because they just can't cope with training a bull breed. Please don't just buy one out of the back of the paper, they are generally back street breeders who do not care for the breed and who breed for profit or underground fighting and they do not care for the breed or breeding for temperament, they may also end up with genetic problems as they do not use available DNA testing for hereditary cataracts, juvenile cataracts or L2 Hydorxyglutaric urea (I think thats right L2HGA anyway).

If you really want one please please research research research before you buy and don't forget to get some training classes sorted out, if you have not trained one before they can be very stubborn and will pretend to be deaf and will try to ignore you. You are then the one responsible if it is uncontrollable.

If you go with the staffy I wish you many (can live to 18yrs old) years happiness, many many laughs at this huge charactered breed.
Mine is my avatar, he is 7 in May and I could not be without him, he really is the biggest stupidist softie that goes into a corner and sulks with his back to you if he thinks you are laughing at him or if you tell him off.
I don't care that your getting mad.

I suggest you read this
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I really do think that this happens b/c so many people have had it drummed into their heads that they are good for young children, I will say it till im blue in the face, this still happens and im sure the owners thought their kid would be safe. It makes me sick that you defend staffies so much when this proves something, I own a staffy and i wouldnt dream of leaving her with a young child for 60 seconds. And she is very gentle but I suppose I'm mature enough to understand risks, its when people ignore the risk that things like this happen, its called ignorance I'm afraid.
I own a staffy and i wouldnt dream of leaving her with a young child for 60 seconds. And she is very gentle but I suppose I'm mature enough to understand risks, its when people ignore the risk that things like this happen, its called ignorance I'm afraid.

Did you see me tell anyone to leave any dog alone with any child, I would not, anyone that does is irresponsible.

By the way if your dog bites someone it is always your fault, there is always something that you could have done to prevent it happening!!!!!

I still stand by this aswell

This is what I said and I stick by this. If your dog bites anyone, it is your fault.
I find that generally people are being influenced by the media demonising a particular breed, the papers get their headlines their readers have something they can complain about.

Regardless of breed all dogs are potentially dangerous. Studies have shown that smaller breeds are more likely to attack someone than a larger bull breed as they are not as patient and tolerant of rude inappropriate behaviour.

If a dog attacks/bites/whatever it is the owners fault for not being able to control their dog or read the situation.

Breed specific blame is due to ignorance in my experience. It is not the fault of the staffordshirebull terrier that it's breed is desirable to unintelligent owners who train them to fight for seems that certain breeds goes through a phase of being demonised, it happened to the german sheperd and the doberman. The staffy is suffering for it, due to the huge numbers in rescue centres and the hundreds that are put down every month.

When staffies were being fought for sport by 'gentlemen' whenever one bit a human is was immediately put down as it was not a trait that was desirable and they were attempting to breed this trait out of the breed also due to the staffies docile and obedient nature the men who owned these 'vicious fighting beasts' kept them at home as family pets.

If someone doesn't want to own a staffy because 'they can't trust them around kids' then don't I have no issue with that. I do have an issue with people that spout rubbish that they read in a newspaper about a breed they know nothing about and pass it off as gospel.

With regards to the queries from the OP I would recommend a staffordshire bull terrier they are a brilliant pet. But a puppy can be hard work and with such a young family it might not be the best idea especially with toilet training!!! If you do get one then use KC registered breeders as mentioned by another poster.

Finally, someone with some sense. Have to agree with everything you say, my parents had dobermans when the press were down on them.

Regardless of breed all dogs are potentially dangerous. Studies have shown that smaller breeds are more likely to attack someone than a larger bull breed as they are not as patient and tolerant of rude inappropriate behaviour.

If a dog attacks/bites/whatever it is the owners fault for not being able to control their dog or read the situation.

Extremely well put!
Thanks tigerIssey. :)

Just to add some actual facts to base around my 'claims' a link to a temperament study report 1997 ATTS. Pitbulls which are a banned breed in the UK scored better than golden retrievers and beagles.

Ever since owning a staffy I have found myself continually trying to justify their existence to people and I'm afraid to say it is mainly people in their mid 20's to 30's that take a negative view towards them-you would have thought that this age group would be more open minded than any other generation- older people love Rocky and always comment on how lovely staffys are.

Anyways, sorry to high jack the thread I just think it's important :)
Ever since owning a staffy I have found myself continually trying to justify their existence to people and I'm afraid to say it is mainly people in their mid 20's to 30's that take a negative view towards them-you would have thought that this age group would be more open minded than any other generation- older people love Rocky and always comment on how lovely staffys are.

Am 30 myself, and I have spent the last 8 yrs doing the same. Most people who take a negative view are people that are completely ignorant of the breeds past. Staffys have not even been a registered breed for 70 yrs yet, but are one of the most common (highest) entries at crufts and have way too many registrations per year usually from the wrong type of breeder. There are people out there that do not care about this history and try to use these dogs to breeds detriment, it is so sad.

I was once told at Sedgley and Gornal SBT club by a lovely old man, that he wished their were more dogs like mine about as he is the closest this man had seen to the original Staffordshire Bull Terrier bred in the 1940's that he had seen for years. Too many people try to "improve" all breeds and make massive mistakes. We will lose our British Breeds heritage if this carries on, through complete ignorance on some breeders part and those that are constantly being negative towards them.

Which proves very little, if anything.

Firstly, the point that doesn't make the headlines for some *unknown* reason is that the other dog was a Jack Russell. The other is that, despite the seemingly regular occurrence of 'dog attacks children!!!', the majority of the time reasons become clear when you read it. It seems to be a bit of a circle- staffies have a reputation for being dangerous due to media coverage, hence there's a sad trend for people to buy them for the image/as guard dogs. These dogs are usually badly treated and trained to be aggresive, end up hurting someone (because that's what they've been told to do), mediagets involved, etc. etc.

In this case, I seem to recall reading the woman had got the staffie because she felt threatened by something/someone (will have to try and find the article)- now, I'm not saying she hit it with a stick or anything, but you can sort of see that wouldn't nessesarily create a dog that is good to leave with a baby.
when people go against dogs and saying read this and that on how bad dogs are they are the ones that give dogs a bad name like people on here have said half the time its the owners fault not the dog but the dog gets put down for it,im 23 and id be lost without my dogs being around and im sure my son would say the same.its alright sitting there writing bad things about dogs but think of this when you next read these storys in the newspapers,were you there NO were u there when the dog has been bought up wrong NO were you there when the dog was bein put down for something he was either taught or didnt get taught NO.its really upsetting when people always put downers on dogs when there is so many out there who needs home who've been bought up badly been beaten up or who was just bought for a fashion accessory rant over -_-
Im after a staffie or boxer pup (10 weeks max). Was just wanting opinions firstly, as they are both known as chav dogs round here, but my other half is adamant that they are ideal with kids (we have a baby and toddler). Im not sure....whatcha think?
And does anyone have any pups on the way so to speak?
Cheers x

Hi ther i can safely say that i would recommend the staffie as i have 4 kids with the yungest being 2 i have had my staffie since she was 17wks old. she is now almost 2. I also have some pups for sale from her if you interested. e-mail [email protected] or tel 07917058213
To clarify when I said about Boxers I didnt mean they were mean, just they can be hyper and knock kids over without thinking.

As for read this................................SO by that rational does that mean that if a man goes and attacks a woman ...........NO man should be trusted? You are saying the same about staffies though. There are good and bad in everything from the animal world to humans and humans are a lot meaner than any dog will ever be.

Oh and if my dogs were to ever bite anyone I would feel dreadfully guilty.
A boxer could injure a child easily just playing. Also whatever dog you get, you should supervise them and NEVER leave dogs and children alone.

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