Squirrel's 72 Gallon Planted Tank

Been away for a few days -- my job has been cutting into my TFF time!!

Regarding the background plants, yes, that really is cabomba! It was very compact and bushy when I first got it. Maybe it will get that way again now that it's in this tank. It's due for a big trim this weekend. I also have amazon swords back there -- but they came out of a low-tech tank so they never got that tall. Again, hope they perform better in this tank.

And, oh yes, don't be fooled by the pictures, there is some algae in there -- it's just not on the anubias! I transferred some plants to this tank that had algae to keep the 5 otos happy. :D They've done a nice job cleaning it up.

So, here are the tank updates:

1. Added pressurized CO2 this afternoon:
Milwaukee regulator with solenoid and bubble counter
CO2-proof tubing
Check valve
5 lb tank

It's plugged into the timer so it will go on and off with the lights. Bubble rate is around 1 per second.

2. My other Eheim installation set came in this afternoon and I will install that tomorrow. I like these because they are smoky colored instead of bright green. Plus they are modular and can be made to fit a variety of positions. (the filter on the right side already has this.)

3. I installed the legs on my coralife tonight so the light now sits over the tank instead on the glass.

The water is still cloudy but getting better. Water change tomorrow and perhaps some minor rearranging!!

I need to order a glass diffuser, too. Right now I am using my Nutra fin ladder.

Thank you everyone for the replies--

Here's a happy little video of the tank:


(thanks to FKNM for the idea!)
I love the tank, looks great :thumbs: will only get better as it fills out. The fish are certainly active!
Your videos soundtracks are getting better. Peanuts are classic! Especially loved the manic orange swordtail. :hyper:

Oh, now I should comment on your tank. I love it. Never seen congo tetras in such a large group. They are really perfect for a larger planted tank.

Plants look splendid too. :good:

Noooo, the job cannot cut into TFF time! You're just going to have to switch to a 36hour day.

llj :lol:
The video has been sped up (speeded up??) so the swordtail appears to be a little more crazy than he normally is!! :lol: He's one of my favorites.

I did a little "gardening" on Saturday....

Removed the cabomba
Removed the smaller amazon sword
Brought the larger sword forward
Added jungle vallis in the back
Added three "aponogetons longiplumulosus"
Added a small bunch of baby tears
Moved the rotala indica more towards the back
Moved the hygro to the left rear corner

(The aponogetons, jungle vallis and baby tears all came out of the 38 gallon tank.) The aponogetons add a bit of interest as they are curly. The jungle vallis adds nice height plus they are red at the top. And oh yes, I sneaked in another anubias nana! I have one more anubias to add --it's an anubias frazeri -- lovely plant - about 8 inches tall. Just haven't decided where to place it yet.

I'll post an updated pic tonight!
Here's a few updated pics. Also, I finally ordered two glass CO2 diffusers -- one for this tank (it's got five coils) and a "nano" diffuser for the nano tank. I really like having pressurized CO2. It's so convenient and consistent. The tank is staying at a steady pH of 6.6. KH is 4. The water is slowly but surely getting less cloudy as the days go by.

I've also started dosing NP&K.


CO2 setup


Left side -- ladder to be replaced with glass diffuser soon!!


Right side - small patch of baby tears and small clump of anachris. This type of anachris has very fine leaves -- very pretty. I keep some in all of my tanks. I've read it wards off BGA! It's my "good luck charm".


This is my biggest java fern. Doing very well in this tank. It used to be in a low light tank and had quite a few brown leaves - which are mostly gone now.

That's it for now! :)
Love the pics squirrel :) plants look lovely and healthy and green too. Especially love the java fern, they do look good when looked after properly, I tend to think of them as a non high-tech plant and more of a low-tech plant but I think I should change my opinion as they can look great, as is demonstrated so well by yours :thumbs:

I'm with you on the pressurised CO2 so much easier! Still trying to get the money together for a kit for my main tank ready for the switch over.

So you've managed to get it spot on 30ppm hey? :lol: thats good work
Filters look like a Ehiem 2224? or poss the 2226? and a Eheim classic, I reckon the 2213 or poss the 2215?
Thanks for the replies! The filters are an Eheim 2026 and an Eheim 2213. (The 2026 came from the 55 gallon tank and the 2213 is from the 20 gallon.) I like them a lot -- quiet AND reliable.

Speaking of java ferns -- I read somewhere that they have medicinal properties - therefore good for the fish. Is there any truth to this? I'll have to search around for the article....
Well, the usual Saturday one-hour water change/tank tidying turned into three hours today. I did a little rearranging...

Removed the brazilian pennywort from the left front corner and replaced it with one of my lillies.
Removed all but one clump of jungle vallis.
Moved some of the rotala indica.
Removed all but one of the anubias.
Removed one piece of bogwood (to make more room for plants!)

I'll take an updated pic once it's dark. (There's just too much window glare in the kitchen.)

The lily is really pretty - it's a green one -- but it has turned a beautiful orangey color. The anubias where exposed to direct light so they were collecting way too much algae. The 5 little otos can't keep up! The jungle vallis is great to use while the tank is filling in but it just gets too big too quickly and hogs a lot of space. I also took out the baby tears last week and put them in the nano.

And oh yeh, I moved two little crypts (not sure which type - but they are short) into this tank last week. This is the first time EVER they haven't melted!! Hooray!

And I'm still left with the decision of whether or not to move the plec into this tank. I'm just afraid it will turn my one hour cleaning session on Saturday into a major cleaning twice a week.

I love this tank :wub: - certainly my favorite so far. The only disadvantage is that I generally get soaked ever time I replant/rearrange. I should probably wear my swimsuit when I work on it! :rofl:
Wow, hard to believe it's been six weeks since I've updated this. Summer certainly is a busy time of year. Here's what's been happening in the tank:

1. My sweet plec will not be moving into this tank. I setup the 55 gallon in the basement for him this weekend. He'll be moving into it next weekend. (It's a planted tank, too! -- pleco-style.) Once he moves, the 38 gallon will finally be taken down.

2. The sagittaria was so thick I had to do some "weeding". I removed about half of it.
3. The vallis (both types) got plucked. (It's in the 55 gallon tank now.)
4. I bought 3 or 4 more cryptocorynes so now I have a nice little patch of crypts growing. None of them melted!
5. About half of the hydrocotyle and half of the hygrophila was taken out. (It was well beyond the jungle look!)

6. I relocated the two guppies from the nano -- but they are gone now :( Not sure where they went. They may have jumped and Edward (kitty cat) got to them before I did or they died and became hors d'oeuvres for their tankmates. :/

I haven't been adding any ferts...which keeps water changes manageable. (If I go the EI route, I would be changing out 36 gallons each week.) Nitrate tests between 5-10 ppm and phospate around .25 ppm. (I am using root tabs for the two big swords.) I do 15% water changes weekly.

The only algae issue I have right now is at the very top of the tank. The plants that grow to the top or float on the top tend to get a lot of bright green algae on the leaves at the top. I think some of the problem is the temperature. The tank has been running at 81F due to the hot weather. And it's even warmer at the top near the lights. I'm not sure what I can do about this (the algae at the top.) If anyone has ideas, I'd love to hear them!

It will be dark in 2-3 hours, so I hope to get a few decent pics then.
Here are the pics. The full tank shot is dark as the 130 watt fixture had already shut off - so there is only 40 watts over the tank at the time. The shot of the crypts is actually with full light - they are located in a very shady area of the tank.




Full shot (in low light)


Little patch of crypts on the right side


Left side

You can imagine how overgrown the tank was before I removed the vallis and much of the sags, pennywort and hygro!

I know there is a lot of green in there -- but I'm not ready to up the wattage at this time - which is what I'd have to do to have red (other than the lillies) Then I'd definitely need to go the EI route.

Right now, the tank is pretty simple to care for and at least for the summer, I want to keep it that way! :D
:lol: Crikey - that's indeed ultra lush (aka jungle) growth you have there! But really beautiful and I'm sure your fish love it.
And by the looks of it, not a spot of algae in sight :grr: (well done :good: ).

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