Split Eheim Externals


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
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Is it possible to have 2 eheim external filters from 1 intake pipe and 1 spray bar, with a y shaped splitters in the hosing as it enters into the cupboard where they are housed???

I like the idea of 2 externals running to ease the strain and have a redundant backup but dont want 2 lots of pipes showing inside the tank.
I recommend against one intake because any tank big enough to really benefit from two filters will also (most likely) benefit considerably from two intakes in different locations and it would be "more work" for the filters to pull in water through a narrower intake. For the spray bar, I am planning to do this in one of my tanks and basically, I will take a spray bar that is about 3 times longer than the Eheim one that came with the filter and have one outlet going into one end of it and the other outlet into the other.

If you are worried about the looks, then what about matching the pipes to the background colour?
Well i have already considered replacing the eheim piping with black pvc conduit im just stuck trying to find some sort of end cap for it atm, i wanted to make the spray bar the full length of the back of the tank to give an equal amount of movement all the way through, plus black pvc will age better than see through green.

Also my current tank is only a 120l but thats just while i cycle the main eheim 2126 thermo out, i have an already cycled biopower 240 in with it helping it out, once the 2126 is cycled i will be swapping out for a rio 240l which has the same footprint as the cabinet my main tank already sits on.
Have you looked into glass pipes? Lilly pipes I think they're called.
wouldnt it be easier to just hide the pipework with some plants or decor????? :blink:

Dont have any plants, not in my current tank anyway, minus a few plastic ones, didnt really see the need for plants as my spray bar keep the air curculating.

The colour of the pipes doesnt really concern me anyway, just the maintenance of having half a dozen pipes and 50 suckers attached to the side of my tank, i just wondered what would be the drawbacks if any of splitting the pipes into 2 filters, theoretically doubling the flow rate and substrate capacity of my filter system. the only difference is 1 of my pumps is a 2126 and the other is a 2128 which i brought cheap from ebay due to needing oring replacement and servicing, only cost me 30-40 a piece, new oring and a pot of pure petroleum jelly and good as new.
Dont have any plants, not in my current tank anyway, minus a few plastic ones, didnt really see the need for plants as my spray bar keep the air curculating.
Plants are not really for air… In most tanks, their primary purposes are to provide cover for the fish and keep nitrate in check.

The colour of the pipes doesnt really concern me anyway, just the maintenance of having half a dozen pipes and 50 suckers attached to the side of my tank […]
If you're going to have a long spray bar along the back of the tank, then why not plug one filter outlet into each end of it? Then you won't need an end cap for the other end

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