Split Betta Tanks Controversy

You do not want your bettas to always be able to see each other though. Flaring is bad for them if done continually. For them to flare they have to stretch their fins and this can lead to tears. This is why at betta shows they put cards between all of the fish. The judge will pull a card or two to make to fish flare for judging purposes but they do not leave the cards out for vary long. If you make a betta flare for a little while that is ok but for extended periods is not good for them. I am in no means an expert but that man I worked with was the Grand Champion in the United States last year and I did learn a lot from him. The man who hosted the show was the president of the the largest betta organization in the U.S. I have seen these guys bettas though and I can't think of any two other people in the US (Orient might be a different story) who would know more about bettas then these two do. I know I do occassionally make my bettas flare but I did take their advice and do not do it all the time.
Sondan said:
You do not want your bettas to always be able to see each other though. Flaring is bad for them if done continually. For them to flare they have to stretch their fins and this can lead to tears.
After beign next to each other for a short period of time, my Bettas don't flare at each other much. They do on occasion, but it isn't a constant thing. I have them on my desk, so I see them whenever I'm at my computer (which is often).

Another point to consider...

aka Lizard
the flaring wear's off after a couple of days, the bettas of "today" (not wild caught) see each other from birth and they quickly become accustomed to one another in no time. Mine only flare for fun when they're "messing" with each other or at feeding time, they flare as if to say "Bet she feeds me 1st this morning,ninny ninny boo boo :p " or "she was talking to ME,not YOU!"

But I can tell when I take one away from the other,for a tank cleaning, the males actually pout when their girls are gone ;) almost as if it's the end of the world.
When my Candy Cane Boy had dropsy ( :sad: ) his female neighbor fretted and worried over him as much as I did, she would watch him diligently towards the end and if he got up from a rest she would rush over and watch him with such concern, when he would start feeling really bad he'd go over by her as if for some encouragement and I swear her body language said "c'mon baby,your tougher than this" and he would actually feel better for a bit :wub: , on his last day I had to cover his tank with a dish towel because he just wouldn't let go or leave her side & as soon as I did & he couldn't see her anymore,he died, bless his heart

So I personally will keep male/female combos because I feel they do form a kindridship of sorts, a common ground so to speak ;) and all of my babes seem extremely happy, probably the happiest they've ever been :wub:
I am sorry for that last post of mine guys.....sometimes I just sound like a "Mr. Know It All" when I am really just trying to be sincere. Please if I sound that way again just......"There he goes again :lol: " Anyways if you put bettas next to each other and they don't flare anymore then what is the point of putting them together ? I also looked in one of my betta books and I did not see anything about putting them next to each other....nothing good or bad. So for me I will have to trust that the two guys I was talking about know what they are doing. :nod:
Hey sondan what are the names of those two guys and the org.? :huh:
WuvmyBetta that story was so sad and sweet :-(
Well the two men are Jeff Hiller (past-president) and Dan Young (last years grand champion). The organization is the Internation Betta Congress As far as I know they are the worlds largest betta organization. I just can't say enough about the groups fish. When we had the show I was AMAZED at how beautiful the fish were. I was used to pet shop bettas and man it was like going from a nice hamburger to sizzling sirloin. ;)
P.S. I hope I am not breaking any rules by putting a link to them here...if so please just remove it and let me know.
SakuraX64 said:
I was thinking of buying a 2.5 gallon tank thet divided in the middle to keep my two male bettas; but is it bad to keep them so close to gether? Does it stress them out? :huh:
I was thinking of getting that for my (now 4!) bettas. Two MiniBows 2.5 divided in two. I know these MiniBows already come with a filter - it would make life much easier, plus they'd get an extra gallon more to swim around in rather than the tight 1/4 they are each living in now. The divider is like a screen instead of a clear glass.

Let me know how yours turns out! :)

Either I get the 2 minibows, or get 8 no-frills beanie-baby/betta 56oz. acrylic displays (4x8x4)
This post also nearly gave me a heart attack lol...good to see it was a joke ;)
@prairiegirl74 this thread is very old, like 2003 old. Might be a good idea to check the dates of prior posts. Its unlikely you will get any replies from the others.

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