Speeding Up The Fishless Cycle ... Will It Work ?

no need to go mental cleaning it really, it is supposed to have a positive effect. I chucked some JBL bottled bacteria in my tank when I was cycling it many moons ago. Still took me 5 weeks, no way of telling if it had an effect or not.

You will get the odd person post on here saying they have had a miracle happen with bottled bacteria and claim its amazing. But for every miracle that happens I could link 50 threads with the opposite, like this one :) Take em with a pinch of salt.
This was the stuff that was gave to me during my tank emergency. It sounded too good to be true, but I had little options if I wanted to save my fish. 24 hours after adding this my new tank was a safe home for all my fish. As i mentioned, all my fish survived


Product Details

Superbac Live! Nitrifying Bacteria for freshwater is a highly concentrated solution of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria that will instantly establish biofiltration. To ensure effectiveness, the Nitrobacter efficiently oxidizes nitrite into nitrate after the Nitrosomonas has consumed the existing ammonia. Useful for: new tank setups, adding additional livestock, post-cleaning, post-media change, post-medicating, and whenever ammonia / nitrite imbalances are detected.
This was the stuff that was gave to me during my tank emergency. It sounded too good to be true, but I had little options if I wanted to save my fish. 24 hours after adding this my new tank was a safe home for all my fish. As i mentioned, all my fish survived


Product Details

Superbac Live! Nitrifying Bacteria for freshwater is a highly concentrated solution of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria that will instantly establish biofiltration. To ensure effectiveness, the Nitrobacter efficiently oxidizes nitrite into nitrate after the Nitrosomonas has consumed the existing ammonia. Useful for: new tank setups, adding additional livestock, post-cleaning, post-media change, post-medicating, and whenever ammonia / nitrite imbalances are detected.
I am going to give up on buying products and just stick to the fishless cycle, I wanted to find something that sorted the need to wait, not just for me, but I think now if I put the effort and patience in I will learn a great deal.
Oh yes, as I said, I used the above product in an emergency. I'm not trying to promote anything, just sharing my experience
as I mentioned not too long ago I had a 90 gallon take blow out on my. I saved all my fish, but the method I was using to keep them alive wasn't going to last long. So I went in, picked up the 125 gallon tank i have now, got it set up, heated the water, then poured in two bottles of this solution they sold me and 24 hours later, the brand new tank/water was ready for my fish. I never lost one. I wish I remembered the brand and what it was called, I can probably find out. But ya, it saved all my fish!
That must have been a shock your tank blowing out and all, did it literally like burst ?
as I mentioned not too long ago I had a 90 gallon take blow out on my. I saved all my fish, but the method I was using to keep them alive wasn't going to last long. So I went in, picked up the 125 gallon tank i have now, got it set up, heated the water, then poured in two bottles of this solution they sold me and 24 hours later, the brand new tank/water was ready for my fish. I never lost one. I wish I remembered the brand and what it was called, I can probably find out. But ya, it saved all my fish!
That must have been a shock your tank blowing out and all, did it literally like burst ?

Not like it blew and instantly 90 gallons on the floor, but it was pretty bad. The entire seals around the bottom were gone. I was losing water at a rapid pace. My wife and I were lucky to save our floor and all our fish, though. Lucky we were home. We were able to hear the water gushing out of the tank in our sleep, up one floor, and our bedroom door closed. Sounded like a river flowing :( A few months earlier our 16 gallon tank blew as well. It was a much slower leak, not nearly as critical. Our LFS ensures us that this sort of thing is extremely rare. The first time they replaced the 16 gallon with an identical tank. The second time he upgraded me to the 125 from the 90 free of cost. I pray that my 125 never has an issue like that, I don't know what I would do.
as I mentioned not too long ago I had a 90 gallon take blow out on my. I saved all my fish, but the method I was using to keep them alive wasn't going to last long. So I went in, picked up the 125 gallon tank i have now, got it set up, heated the water, then poured in two bottles of this solution they sold me and 24 hours later, the brand new tank/water was ready for my fish. I never lost one. I wish I remembered the brand and what it was called, I can probably find out. But ya, it saved all my fish!
That must have been a shock your tank blowing out and all, did it literally like burst ?

Not like it blew and instantly 90 gallons on the floor, but it was pretty bad. The entire seals around the bottom were gone. I was losing water at a rapid pace. My wife and I were lucky to save our floor and all our fish, though. Lucky we were home. We were able to hear the water gushing out of the tank in our sleep, up one floor, and our bedroom door closed. Sounded like a river flowing :( A few months earlier our 16 gallon tank blew as well. It was a much slower leak, not nearly as critical. Our LFS ensures us that this sort of thing is extremely rare. The first time they replaced the 16 gallon with an identical tank. The second time he upgraded me to the 125 from the 90 free of cost. I pray that my 125 never has an issue like that, I don't know what I would do.
I worry a bit and I only have a small tank, 105 litres, I bought mine second hand for £3.00 about $4.50, it was in a bad state though, needed a good clean.
Did your tank have a frame around the top and bottom, I contacted my tanks manufacturer as there are a few scratches and pits in the glass on mine and they said not to worry as the frame stops any cracking.

So I'm back to doing my fishless cycle, I emptied my tank and refilled to get them aqua ball things out, Tizer told me that any good bacteria I had in my filter will remain, so not all is lost and I have done my ammonia and a nitrite reading getting 1.2-2.4 ammonia and a slight nitrite reading of 0.1
Yes mine had a light frame, and center brace. I hope for everyone's sake they never have to deal with what I did. I am sure it happens from time to time (extremely rare, I hope), but wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

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