Spawning Trouble


Fish Addict
Feb 19, 2004
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I know there have been a lot of controversy about people jumping into spawning. I have been planning to spawn for months and feel that I'm ready. I'm just starting the spawn today, I put the male in first then introduced female in a clear breeder trap. She bars up and he flares and wagles his tail but he doesn't start a buble nest.

Could it be that hes not conditioned well enough? I conditioned for 3 weeks...
Can ya help me out?
Idolz, males don't always build a nest during courtship. Some don't start till the eggs are falling, so don't go by that as a judge. The other signs they have sound good though.
Thank you TexasWoman,
She's in the tank w/ him now. He chases her around every once and awhile but not tearing her fins.
:-( He eventually will get her. Does she have a place to hide from him? Is the temp 82 to 85 degrees in the tank? The spawning can take up to three days to happen, and don't be surprised if when you take her out after he chases her away that she is a little beat up. Put her in a bowl with maroxy to help he heal up. Also use the bowl of water form the breding tank. Then next day put her back in her home with some more maroxy in her water. She will be fine. Don't give up either. It is very frustrating breeding these guys. I know beause I do it and it is fun and exciting to watch but also very frustrating.
Leave them along. Let them play torture for a while. Eventually it will stop and the male will starting to build bubbles nest. Makesure they are not veiltail pair. LOL :lol: So this is your first time huh? :) Have fun breeding. :hey:
Makesure they are not veiltail pair. LOL

What do you think I'm crazy!?! Just kidding :p
No they are a CT pair :D I took her out the day after and started feeding her blood worms I might try again this weekend.

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