Spawning Time


Fish Fanatic
Jan 20, 2011
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Ok, sorry I'm sounding like a noob when it comes to breeding bettas.. Last time I did this was a few years ago (back in middle school) and I had no idea what I was doing. The only thing I remember from then was seeing the male picking the eggs off the ground.

Well today I'm attempting it again, its their first time and they started a half hour after they realized they could get to eachother. I've been watching for 2 hours and they have been trying non-stop. Now I'm wondering how long does this normally go on until the eggs fall? I figured a day or two but I also thought that they wouldnt start so soon.
it varies on the amount of 'practice' wraps before you sucessfully see any eggs, could be a few minutes could be hours usually depends on ages and the egginess of the female :good:
Well it's hard to say what their age is since I got them both from petsmart. But shes plumped up pretty well so I know theres at least some eggs in there :) I just dont want them to practice so much that they lose interest... that would be bad :(
I ended up breeding drake my hmpk with one of my dark blue girls. She is a VT but I'm not expecting a very large spawn. Even if it was though I know a couple lfs that take really good care of the bettas they sell if no one else wanted them. Then I plan to have one of the girls from that spawn and spawning them back with drake :)

Then while I'm at that I have a marble pair that should arrive either thursday or friday :drool: I plan to have them spawn as well.. XD
Marbles! :drool: i love marbles!

hope you get eggs soon, HMPKs are known for being aggressive spawners but yours sounds like a softy :wub:
He started out pretty gentle to her.. but I think his paticents is wearing off since as the time goes by the more nips I see on her. Although I was surprised to see his fin a little torn.. barley.. but still was surprising lol

I started going crazy over marbles when I saw the thread on here with everyone posting pictures on there.. so amazing what color difference there is with them! Now I cant get enough of them lol I'm already asking the same breeder about her next spawn XD

How would I be able to tell if there is eggs in the nest? I cant watch them 24/7 and with my luck it will happen when im not watching.. lol But it's kinda hard to check the nest since its under the foam cup.
So I took the female out yesterday.. Honestly I did not think there were eggs since the bubble nest kept getting smaller and drake wasnt moving much. Just there under the nest stareing out at the plants. But today I watch a little closer to see him careing for a random egg that falls out..

Question.. do they only put the ones that are fertilized in the nest? Also would bbs be small enough for the fry? I have infrousia if not but it just stinks.. so I would really prefer the bbs if possible :)
as far as i am aware they eat any unfertilized eggs, BBS should be fine thats what i'm planning on using
Awsome! Then I can get rid of the stinky green water.. Drake doesnt seem to be tired at all, I'm amazed. I tried feeding him too but nothing is going to distract him from careing for his fry. Such a good daddy :)
He is, I just wish he didnt nip so much.. My little girl Crest is missing a quarter of her tail fin now.. I know it'll grow back but I know it had to hurt! I guess it would have been worse though. Good thing I had all thoes plants in there!

I wish I could take a few pics for everyone to see but everything I use ends up blurry :(
it could of been worse, my female lost most of her tail and they didn't even spawn :/

Its grown back nicely though
Omg I dont think I would be able to not cry if I saw my little girl with her tail completely off.. I had to sleep during the spawning process just to handel his nipping because I felt so guilty.. I guess thats just the part of betta breeding everyone has to get use to. Sorry to hear your little girl lost hers and didnt even get to spawn.. talk about a really bad stroke of bad luck!
Thing is though that Male keeps getting in with another Male as there in a divided tank and there no agresion what so ever from either :sly:

Has he been chasing her away recently? maybe they laid them on the day you saw them wrapping :hyper: which would mean they'd be hatching soon

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