Spawn Log, Gerard And Cream

I tried too. But they are so small, I couldn't get one. :(

Btw, I have my 10g half filled and at 81degrees. I put a divider in it. On the left side is the male with a half cup and the female on the other side. He keeps flaring at her and swimming to his cup but he won't make his damn nest yet so I haven't released her >< Then again they've only been in it 6 hours. :(
Ok, that was random...

I had to pull Gerard, he was starting to turn on the fry.
yeah that was kinda random i didnt want to reply in fear i would embarrass myself

grats on makin it this far OA gluck on raising them and keep us updated! :-
yeah that was kinda random i didnt want to reply in fear i would embarrass myself

grats on makin it this far OA gluck on raising them and keep us updated! :-

Hey, I have mine in the tank divided waiting for him to make a nest before release him.. He isn't making one. Did you just let them loose at each other and your finally made one that way?
Ogrt48, get ahold of the betta breeders at the NYC betta chapter of IBC--most IBC chapter members will give new breeders starter cultures and a lot of advice and help (some of the chapter, if you join, will give you free fish too). I think NY has several chapters, with some really knowledgable breeders.

I tried too. But they are so small, I couldn't get one. :(

Btw, I have my 10g half filled and at 81degrees. I put a divider in it. On the left side is the male with a half cup and the female on the other side. He keeps flaring at her and swimming to his cup but he won't make his damn nest yet so I haven't released her >< Then again they've only been in it 6 hours. :(
Ogrt48, get ahold of the betta breeders at the NYC betta chapter of IBC--most IBC chapter members will give new breeders starter cultures and a lot of advice and help (some of the chapter, if you join, will give you free fish too). I think NY has several chapters, with some really knowledgable breeders.

I tried too. But they are so small, I couldn't get one. :(

Btw, I have my 10g half filled and at 81degrees. I put a divider in it. On the left side is the male with a half cup and the female on the other side. He keeps flaring at her and swimming to his cup but he won't make his damn nest yet so I haven't released her >< Then again they've only been in it 6 hours. :(

Er where would I find more info on this? I'm new to NYC and I don't really know much around here.
That was very random! Oh well on a different note sorry to hear that he started turning on the fry, but you have done the right thing in removing him, keep up the good work
Well, I just checked on them. Yesterday night, I pulled him. But now, I'm having a hard time finding them. I hope he didn't eat all of them before I pulled!
hopefully not! that's how i ended up with only 9 in my spawn!

Well that wasnt random at all, it had the word "betta" in it!

OA-Look at a picture you took of yourself holding Gerard (I found it on your Photobucket)! You know, your not supposed to do that!:

On a more on-topic note: How are the babies doing OA? Also, How long does it take for them to grow up, to become the size in which i could put one in a tank? Any better pics yet? Maybe I wasnt paying attention much, but what kind are they going to be? (Plakats?)

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