OP OP ral Fish Herder Joined Jun 25, 2004 Messages 1,152 Reaction score 1 Location Philippines Nov 19, 2005 #16 Here is a picture of the fry tank, about half of it anyway: Here is a close-up:
S SandyMushCowgirl Fish Crazy Joined Aug 28, 2005 Messages 389 Reaction score 0 Location North Carolina Nov 19, 2005 #17 Awe. They are so cute. I just love baby bettas.
B BrookeLea Fish Addict Joined May 3, 2005 Messages 761 Reaction score 0 Location DeRidder, LA Nov 19, 2005 #18 Aw, so tiny! They almost look like little water bugs.
A Angel Lady Pet of the Month Leader Joined Mar 9, 2003 Messages 3,779 Reaction score 1 Location Hazard Kentucky Nov 19, 2005 #19 I love looking at them little eyes peeking through Nice looking fry. Good luck with them.
S Soaup Fish Addict Joined Jul 24, 2005 Messages 879 Reaction score 0 Location Bronx, NY Nov 19, 2005 #20 Wow ive never seen pictures of the babies, They are tiny little things arent they. Thanks for the pictures, Congradulations.
Wow ive never seen pictures of the babies, They are tiny little things arent they. Thanks for the pictures, Congradulations.
OP OP ral Fish Herder Joined Jun 25, 2004 Messages 1,152 Reaction score 1 Location Philippines Nov 19, 2005 #21 Yes, they are really tiny little things. Thanks all.
OP OP ral Fish Herder Joined Jun 25, 2004 Messages 1,152 Reaction score 1 Location Philippines Dec 10, 2005 #22 My fry are a month old. Happy birthday fry! Well the remaining ones anyway (I can't get a good count since they like hiding in the moss, but there are less than 20 left). Even if this spawn is somewhat of a disaster, I am very grateful for the one the have survived.
My fry are a month old. Happy birthday fry! Well the remaining ones anyway (I can't get a good count since they like hiding in the moss, but there are less than 20 left). Even if this spawn is somewhat of a disaster, I am very grateful for the one the have survived.
S SandyMushCowgirl Fish Crazy Joined Aug 28, 2005 Messages 389 Reaction score 0 Location North Carolina Dec 10, 2005 #23 Congrats.. Hey 20 fry is better than none at all.
OP OP ral Fish Herder Joined Jun 25, 2004 Messages 1,152 Reaction score 1 Location Philippines Dec 10, 2005 #24 Yup
S splashluff Fish Addict Joined May 25, 2005 Messages 874 Reaction score 0 Location Northern California Dec 11, 2005 #25 Awesome! We need some 1 month-old pics!! I'm sure they're really irridescent green by now.
R redbetta Fishaholic Joined Aug 8, 2005 Messages 602 Reaction score 0 Location Canada Dec 12, 2005 #26 ral that is so awesome, that's definitely better then I've been able to do, congrats!
OP OP ral Fish Herder Joined Jun 25, 2004 Messages 1,152 Reaction score 1 Location Philippines Dec 12, 2005 #27 Awesome is for wuv, synirr... et al. But really, thanks. My girlfriend and I share a digicam so I need t pry it from her fingers this weeked. Have several new betta's to shoot too.
Awesome is for wuv, synirr... et al. But really, thanks. My girlfriend and I share a digicam so I need t pry it from her fingers this weeked. Have several new betta's to shoot too.
OP OP ral Fish Herder Joined Jun 25, 2004 Messages 1,152 Reaction score 1 Location Philippines Jan 1, 2006 #28 Fry pic
Joby Hypan addict Joined Aug 21, 2004 Messages 2,291 Reaction score 1 Location Wolverhampton, UK Jan 1, 2006 #29 Aww how cute is that little face
OP OP ral Fish Herder Joined Jun 25, 2004 Messages 1,152 Reaction score 1 Location Philippines Mar 17, 2006 #30 Some juvy pics. Some came out with a copper sheen... Others green... A parting shot: