Spawn Log 11.8.05


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Okay the male. Green mask plakat betta Approixamtely about 5-6 months old:


This is the female plakat. About the same age and size as the male:


Breeding tank: 15G (24x12x12)
Food: Infusoria to be followed by strained egg yoke

Had about 100 free swimming fry, last night. They look a bit thinner this A.M. Been here before, but last time only saw about a dozen or two, and they were all dead by day 2. Lets hope things go better this time :unsure:
Cant say... right now they all look like :alien: with long tails :lol:
So far so good. Was mistaken about the reduction in the number of fry. I guess they were hiding in the java moss. 100+ fry.
I have siphoned off a small amount of water the past two days... with it came three live fry which I returned to the tank. Today, removing some more water, I picked up two fry from the bottom of the tank. Both dead... :(
You will always have a few deaths, nothing to fret about. Either way...
Thanks oppisitearmor. Lets just hope not too many of them die.
Just remember to feed them, dechlorinate their water, change there water and giver them care!
Awesome parents, Ral! That is a REALLY beautiful green pair... I believe I will need to steal a few of those babies :shifty:

I can't wait to see how they turn out!! Is the Mom long-finned or Plakat? I thought PK at first, but I can't really tell from the pic. She reminds me of my little green girl =0) cute

I was told she was a PK... but I am surprised by how long her fins were... the source is reputable, but still her long fins make me wonder.

Shot from seller:


(Female is in the background)

Well the fry are still there. I see two or three more in the bottom of the tank though.

Daddy, gave me a scare. When I got home. I he was on hide side breathing heavily... did a waterchange, lowering the water level, put in some meds... and he is looking okay now. A bit worried though.

This is my first successful spawn... well it is far from finnished. And this is my favorite forum (not just fish forum) in the whole world.

If I can figure out how to get some of the fish there... I will. FedEx here wont take fish.
Found the remains of 3-4 more fry when cleaning out some dirth from the tank...

I was told it was normal, but sigh.
Actually, with regular spawns it's not exactly "normal" in my experience, but with metallic spawns it seems to be fairly common as 've had huge die off's in all of my metallic spawns. Beautiful pair,I can't believe I never even saw this thread!
Well, apparently that is true about the die offs. Vac of 20-25 dead fry today...

The only consolation is that is seems the spawn size was larger than I tough becuase I am pretty sure I have lost about 35-40 and these still seem to about 150-160 left...

I hope this does not happen again tom.

And thanks wuv.

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