spawn diary

Hi wuv. I just wanted to suggest something. I use a siphon and airvalve to add my water at changes. This keeps the water temp from changing too fast, and the fry don't have to fight the current. More fry die from water changes than any other reason. I'm curious as to how often you change the water and how much do you change? One other thing if I may ask. How do you control the water temp?
I change 80% a day using the same "syphoning back into the tank" method :) It really does help the water changes from being too drastic. I start doing such large changes at about a week old.
As for controlling the water temp, they stay at room temperature from the day they hatch. Fluctuation is just something they deal with and I feel it makes them tougher fish from the get go. I always have about a 98% survival rate, which isn't too shabby. :thumbs:
I stopped babying my fry with adding the new water, I used to do it very slowly. Now I just make sure the temp is about the same then let it drain in with an air line tubing, it's still not real fast but does cause a current, but all it does is blow them to the other side of the tank, where they hang out until it's over, except for the curious guys, Lol. I figure if they can't handle that, then they're too weak to keep. As Wuv says, it toughens them up, hehe.

3+ weeks old
We have ventrals as of two days ago (I just never got around to updating) It's really hard to tell if they're CT or not. Sometimes I'm certain I see crowns coming in...other times not so much. Today I notice that the darker fry are getting the black edging just as their step brothers and sisters have.
I tried grindals again this evening and it appears that they're a hit. Perfectly on time.


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I turn off all the lights,zoom in as much as possible,hold the cam a good 6" away and just start snapping in the dark.
See how big those grindals are? They are the meatiest meal the babies ever ate.
Aww, so cute. :wub: I love seeing the pictures. I'm going to have to shoot some more of mine and see if I can get some better pictures.

Ventrals already, huh? Mine sure are behind schedule... -_-
This is the first spawn that I've ever fed grindals at this young of an age. One grindal is equivalant to about 50+ bbs in size,plus they're very fatty and gut loaded with liquid vitamins so I'm curious to see how fast they grow on them. Usually I would be trying to convert them to frozen right about now....which I'll still do,I just don't feel as much pressure since they have a meaty,filling alternative.

Yeah,ventral sprouts already and they started blowing bubbles today so they're right on schedule. It seems that the ventrals and the labyrinths come hand in hand (or fin in fin) at 3-4 weeks. This explains their constant hunger at 2 weeks...there's a lot growin'/goin' on in those little bodies.
i dont know whta u feed all ur fry wuv but they seem to grow quicker than any spawn iv seen. i whatch spawn journals alot and urs seem to always stay a week ahead of the growth chart :lol: good luck :thumbs:
I'm not really sure GD, I don't do anything special or secret. But,I have noticed how freakishly fast mine grow too. I came to update again because the dark fry are just amazing today. They're showing a color at the base of their caudal that is undescribable (is that a word?) It's very,very gold with a hint of orange so it's too early to say what color it is exactly.

So,back to my freakishly fast growing fish... -_-
Here are all of my water additives..
Amazon Rain
and once in a while colloidal silver.

So it could be one of several things,or a combo of all. I honestly think the amazon rain boosts their growth a bit,as does the silver. But I also do 80% changes every day to keep the pheremones down,so that could be it. And I feed them alll day long. I'm a stay home mom and an insomniac so they pretty much eat round the clock. Every time I get a spare minute I feed them. So I think a constant steady supply of food does it as well.

For anybody who can't be home all of the time, I've seen all kinds of handy devices that hang in the tank and slowly drip in microworms.
I'm guessing your constant water changes is the reason for great growth. Thats what it takes. RT does 100% water changes every single day, on every tank he owns. Even the big growouts. I've never seen anyone match his fish at 10 weeks old. In his album on advanced bettas, he has several HM's at 7-10 weeks old.
Yep, water changes are what I see there (I'm sure everything else doesn't hurt though). I'm not nearly as good about my water changes, but I am definetly seeing a serious size difference between my 2 spawns I have going right now that are 3 days apart. The larger spawn comes from non-sibling parents, so I definetly think there is something to that too. The difference is so great I don't think I'm going to be able to combine the 2 spawns as I'd planned, the blues will eat the reds I think :crazy:


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