Spawn Diary-taurean + Keona

I don't think there are more than 15-20 even with the ones on the floor, there's barely anything in the nest unless I can't see them. I really want to spawn this other pair and he's so busy showing off for her that he's forgetting to build his nest and I even started it off by giving him one but he hasn't noticed. And with the weekends where I'm going home and stuff it's going to be hard, so I'm kind of disappointed. I don't think it's a good idea to be taking 2 week old fry home for xmas. I doubt they'd make it
Alright I got some pics but my camera isn't all hardcore technical so you can't see the fry. They are tooo weeny little right now hehe. But here's a pic of momma and daddy. (Momma Keona back in her home) (Taurean with his beebees that you can't see lol) (nest) (taking care of his few beebees)

Enjoy, hope you can see something and they aren't too too bad.
Woah, that IS a huge nest!!! Get him to tell his lazy bum of a brother over here to get building! :lol:

The nest is good but they aren't reaching it when he blows them back up there, they just fall down again.
That's exactly the way his father did it... didn't bother to make sure they were staying up there. Hopefully his saliva is as good at preventing fungus as his father's was though... even some eggs I put in a cup that didn't have the benefit of being constantly mouthed hatched! You sound disappointed at only a few fry, but you may be counting your lucky stars soon enough, hehe. I'd have much rather started out with a small spawn to ease into things! :S
hehe yeah he's so good but his other two brothers didn't do a good job at all. The third one I'm trying now, I don't know, I gave him a nest and I put him and the female together now because she was really ready except he just chewed her up and I think she's pretty scared. I'm just going to leave her in there, maybe he feels like he isn't ready yet cause he's under the cup now. I'm just watching them, but hopefully it turns out okay. Not sure how the babies will do from the other spawn and there are only like 10, I don't know if they will even all make it. I'm just not having any luck with this so far.
Oh my, this is just getting so difficult :p Synirr your girls have too much attitude, they don't care what the gorgeous boys look like, they don't do anything the boys want them to lol.

As for my babies, I got 3 left now, they are sooo cute, really hope they'll make it. And as for the other girls, I tried them all but they want nothing to do with the male, I'm thinking I'll just try again :)
Mom and Dad are very cute! :wub: It does sound like they're a little bit young and inexperienced, but that IS a big nest and I'm sure pops is doing a good job. It's definitely easier to start with 3 babies instead of 3 hundred... heh.

Good luck with the next spawn! Are there plenty of bushy plants for the girl to hide in? Cover is really, really essential to keep the girl safe. And live plants are good for the fry, too.
I've had nothing but bad luck with live plants, thanks splashluff. Had I not ruined the nest I'm sure there would be more. I've attempted a few more spawns but I think I'm going to give them more time, so I've got one set up. I'll leave them for a week just to see each other, although they always see someone anyway, where they are side by side on my desk.

I think there are actually 4 beebees so I'm happy:)
Another thing, I have a filter and I had it running but I'm really worried that they will get stuck in it, so I took it out but I want to put it back in. Is it safe? It's an elite filter that just bubbles 1 bubble every 1 or 2 seconds? Let me know that would be great.

And yeah dad did a great job :) I'm very proud of him, although half of the hatchlings didn't make it. I'm just a beginner so I'm working on it :)
That filter *should* be fine at such a low setting. You can use straight airline tubing if you want.
Four babes isn't so shabby. Plus remember that plakats really don't mature as fast as other bettas. It takes them longer, I believe they're the perfect breeding age at around 9 months, well after a normal betta has hit his prime.
thanks wuv,
I'd be so happy knowing the 4 will survive but you just never know...

The bottom of my tank is fairly dirty from the male and female still and I wonder if I could syphon the dirt out with an airline tube? That wouldn't hurt the little ones would it?
Hmm, I think I only have two left:( It's very hard to see everything in a 20 gallon tub but as far as I know I've only seen two, today.
Wuv, would I be able to take them out and put them in something smaller? That way they have cleaner water and it would make everything so much easier. Think that's okay?
Plus remember that plakats really don't mature as fast as other bettas. It takes them longer, I believe they're the perfect breeding age at around 9 months, well after a normal betta has hit his prime.

Seriously? :hyper: That is EXCELLENT news! Wow! Oh, wow! *handstands* Hee . . . that gives me more time :p

Liv, I wouldn't be so quick to count the others out. Even in a glass tank I couldn't always see all of mine; at that age they were still so tiny that, with the dim lighting I have int his room, sometimes I'd be looking right at them and not seeing them (so embarassing when my friends would find them when I couldn't).

Be sure to keep up posted on how do; four, two, or however many you end up with :thumbs:
LOL, I'll try, but do you think I'll be able to move them into something smaller, cause I don't think they can find the worms in a 20 g, and when I try to put them in front of their faces, they move lol.
Ok so there's 3 of us beebees now. Special buggers. I took them home with me, we just made it home and they are waiting to go in the bigger tupperware after it's done heating. I really hope these guys will make it, but they are fairly big already!
I have noticed that my 2 of my babies just kind of sit on the bottom of the tank, and they are pretty white so I'm thinking they are eating worms. The third one is always on the surface moving around. Today though I noticed the two on the bottom didn't move, so I took the paintbrush and slightly touched them and they didn't move. Are they dead :-( :-( :-( ? Because the third one that's on the surface moves right away...
When I went to pack my beebees up tonight, they were dead :( I don't know what happened but I know I'm not taking my new ones anywhere until they are quite old.

At least I learned a few things so I can look forward to this new batch

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