Spawn Diary-taurean + Keona


Aug 8, 2005
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Alright guys,
After a long time of researching I'm finally here. Growing the worms, setting stuff up and everything else. I decided to use Taurean (red blue Synirr baby) and Keona (silverish Synirr baby). I'll try to get pictures verryyy soon.
They have been seeing each other for a few days and I put them both in the spawn tank, her in the vase so they could see each other. Almost immediately she got really nice dark vertical bars and her belly swelled up quite a bit. He showed off as much as any fish possibly could :wub: They are both so gorgeous. By this morning he had a huugee nest, the size of my hand. Earlier they looked soo ready, so I decided to release them.

First they played catch me if you can and now all of a sudden he lurred (sp?) her under the nest and BAM, probably spawned about 7 times so far. Didn't even have to try too hard, he is embracing her so close. I wish I could take pictures *must steal that camera this weekend from home*

I haven't seen white eggies fall yet so I shall go and watch them some more :wub: :wub:
This is my first spawn so wish me luck, I've done tons of research, Synirr and Wuv would know that, as I've probably annoyed the hell out of them :*) (Sorry guys, you'll be the first to get some beebees if they turn out :* )

Off to watch them now :D :D
Oh my gosh, I just saw him spit eggs in the nest! :hyper: :hyper: :D
Thanks sooo much wuv, I hope it works, it would mean the world to me!
Wow, they got to it quick. I love it when that happens. At this rate you might have fry before you leave for the weekend :p
Well it's now approximately 3 hours since I've put them in and they are already done. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but we'll find that out soon. He started to chase her away and she was just hiding in the corner so I took her out. Now we hope for some fry :):)
OHH NOO I hate myself... I had to move the plastic canvas and I hit the gorgeous nest he made... #### #### ####... Does that mean they are all lost????? Half of the nest is left and he's busy fixing it up but I'm so worried.... Urgh I wish I didn't have to mess with it but the plastic canvas started to fall over :-( :-(

I can't believe that just happened... cannot cannot
Too bad about the nest, hopefully the male does a good job fixing it up. I'm really excited about your spawn. Seems silly but I also have one of synirr's males (my female jumped :( ) so I'm so looking forward to how they turn out, because it is something that I would have liked to have done if I didn't live in the dorms with a ten gallon limit and had more time away from classes and studying. It's like my boy is going to be an uncle!
:( Yeah I think he ate the eggies, but I'm going to give it another shot with another male and female.

They did such a nice job, but he just got confused and didn't do anything with the nest anymore so I'm moving him out and moving the nest to this other tub that I put eggs in that got on the canvas, maybe I'll get something out of it.
No worries, the other pair is from Synirr too! Just different colours hehe.
I'll try, although I think that this other male isn't quite as mature as the other so I'll have to see what he does tonight, if he builds a nest or not:) Gotta have patience, I was so upset though, couldn't believe it.
Well well, I've found a few eggies in his nest after all. I just hope he takes care of them now. That would be awesome. I think I saw about 20-30. YAY :)
Well well, I've found a few eggies in his nest after all. I just hope he takes care of them now. That would be awesome. I think I saw about 20-30. YAY :)

Though that's not that many eggs in comparison to some spawns, look on the bright side of how much money, space and time you'd save raising only 30 bettas instead of 300! Still planning on spawning another pair?

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