Space Travel

In relation to the many sci-fi series on TV and in film, such as the many varied variants of Star Trek, The Jetsons, Space 1999, Hitchikers Guide and Star Wars etc

I feel that they all give a very romantic and unrealistic vision of space travel. Where space travel and habitation is relatively easy as long as you don't annoy or disrupt the neighbours.

In some aspects of this type of fiction it has spawned the current trend of billionaires spending their billions on personal spacecraft...something I think cheapens the strides made in the 1950's and 1960's and cheapens those who died in the effort to reach space in that early era.

The imagination of the sci-fi writers is endless, not always well done and tends to plant impossible seeds into the minds of the gullible mega rich who frequently have more money than common sense.

More distopia than utopia.
In relation to the many sci-fi series on TV and in film, such as the many varied variants of Star Trek, The Jetsons, Space 1999, Hitchikers Guide and Star Wars etc

I feel that they all give a very romantic and unrealistic vision of space travel. Where space travel and habitation is relatively easy as long as you don't annoy or disrupt the neighbours.

In some aspects of this type of fiction it has spawned the current trend of billionaires spending their billions on personal spacecraft...something I think cheapens the strides made in the 1950's and 1960's and cheapens those who died in the effort to reach space in that early era.

The imagination of the sci-fi writers is endless, not always well done and tends to plant impossible seeds into the minds of the gullible mega rich who frequently have more money than common sense.

More distopia than utopia.
So the next generation (see what I did there? :D ) will take their inspiration from Space Sweepers and The Expanse? :p
The imagination of the sci-fi writers is endless, not always well done and tends to plant impossible seeds into the minds of the gullible mega rich who frequently have more money than common sense.
Unfortunately with how the world works the only way that actual useful space exploration and expansion will happen is if there is commercial backing for it. No country wants to divert a significant amount of cash to it. It's down to businesses that see a the potential revenue streams in the future to move things forward.

I don't like it but that's how it is. Bezo, Branson and Boeing have basically just been playing at it for the last 20 years I admit, but even that has bought about some useful things. Mostly it is has kept it in the public mind and opened it up for other private companies to get involved with.

Space X, as much as I personally dislike Musk, has done more for the space industry in the past 18 years then arguably any other organisation. Their work on reusable rockets is going to push the next phase of space exploitation and exploration.

Personally I wish that organisations like NASA and the European Space Agency had much more funding and freedom, but that is not going to happen. If you can get a few companies like Space X developing the hardware that leaves these agencies to do what they do best, the science and exploration part.
Unfortunately with how the world works the only way that actual useful space exploration and expansion will happen is if there is commercial backing for it. No country wants to divert a significant amount of cash to it. It's down to businesses that see a the potential revenue streams in the future to move things forward.

I don't like it but that's how it is. Bezo, Branson and Boeing have basically just been playing at it for the last 20 years I admit, but even that has bought about some useful things. Mostly it is has kept it in the public mind and opened it up for other private companies to get involved with.

Space X, as much as I personally dislike Musk, has done more for the space industry in the past 18 years then arguably any other organisation. Their work on reusable rockets is going to push the next phase of space exploitation and exploration.

Personally I wish that organisations like NASA and the European Space Agency had much more funding and freedom, but that is not going to happen. If you can get a few companies like Space X developing the hardware that leaves these agencies to do what they do best, the science and exploration part.

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