Sorry To Ask This But.....


New Member
May 9, 2010
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how do i kill a fish???

i have 10 baby platy's nearly 3weekss old and 1 of them is continually on its side - its still breathing and eating it just cant swim properly and is much smaller than the other babies. i dont want to kill it but i cant bear to see it struggling.

Horrible thing to need to do,but,the least painful way I know is put it in a small container with water and put it in the freezer :(
Horrible thing to need to do,but,the least painful way I know is put it in a small container with water and put it in the freezer :(
Being frozen to death wont be quick or painless.

The quickest way is to cut there head clean off but i doubt you will want to do that so put it in a bag and drop a brick/big stone on it. Its instant.
there has been many topics on this subject and generally the most humane way and quickest is to put the fish in a bag and whack it
It would be a much quicker death to kill it with a quick blow, ie using a rolling pin, not nice to do but better for the fish, have you tried posting on the emergency forum to see if there is a way to save your fish?

thanks for replys. i was hoping it was just slow growing etc but its not changing how it moves and its not fair keeping it alive like this.

not posted anywhere apart from here - i didnt realise it wasnt in the live-bearers until after i posted. will go to emergency and see if anyone can help me.
fish + hammer..... painless....

whoever said freeze it should try it themselves and see if its painless
Freezing/boiling is NOT quick and painless.

Best method is clove oil. This behaves in a similar manner to medical grade anaesthetics for fish. An overdose will put the fish to sleep and then slowly stop their body functions. After that, you can put them in the freezer to be sure they are dead.

If you can't get clove oil (it's fairly cheap from a pharmacy/chemist) then destroying the brain is also acceptable. If doing that, you need to ensure the fish suffers minimal stress as it is handled out of water, that you hit it very hard and very quickly and that the brain is totally destroyed. Simply cutting off the head isn't enough.
Either way, killing a fish is never 'pain free'. The ice method takes a fair 5-10 mins, I would wack it or leave it out of water (still a few mins).
Just let the fish die alone, killing a fish is wrong IMO :sad:
Put it in a bag, and drop a house brick on the back from about 2 inches. Then put the bag straight in the bin.

Either way, killing a fish is never 'pain free'. The ice method takes a fair 5-10 mins, I would wack it or leave it out of water (still a few mins).

There isn't much evidence that clove oil method is painful. Leaving it out of water would be horrific! It's be like suffocating it really slowly :crazy:
Just let the fish die alone, killing a fish is wrong IMO :sad:

I understand your point of view. However, I personally feel that part of our duty of care to our fish is not to let them suffer unecessarily.

I agree with the people who're against freezing/boiling; that is not a painless way. The two best methods are the hard blow to the head and the clove oil; I've used both in my years as fishkeeper; a very unpleasant job to do, but I'm as sure as I can be that the fish didn't suffer.

Either way, killing a fish is never 'pain free'. The ice method takes a fair 5-10 mins, I would wack it or leave it out of water (still a few mins).

There isn't much evidence that clove oil method is painful. Leaving it out of water would be horrific! It's be like suffocating it really slowly :crazy:

Killing a fish is horrific fullstop, icing it is horrid and it isn't guaranteed to kill. I'd go with whatever method a person wants to take, it's all going to end up with the same outcome. Horrible for me to say but is true.

I say bag, brick, wham

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