Sorry To Ask This But.....

This is where the evil side of the keeper comes out, but in all seriousness,theres no real way to put a fish out of what

we determine is a miserable life for it, Everyone has there own idea's and let me say, No one is wrong in what they are

doing, some people will feed it to another fish, some will "brick it" some will leave it outside and forget,some will go

to lengths of getting a chemical or natural medicine to help it on the way, others will leave it in a freezer, these idea's

are practiced alot by people, No one can come on here and say,ew thats cruel but do it this way, Freezing a fish will not

be cruel IMO the fishes' heart rate will slow and next thing it knows it will be dead, personally i leave it alone try

medication if i can determine whats wrong with it,
Either way, killing a fish is never 'pain free'. The ice method takes a fair 5-10 mins, I would wack it or leave it out of water (still a few mins).

There isn't much evidence that clove oil method is painful. Leaving it out of water would be horrific! It's be like suffocating it really slowly :crazy:

Killing a fish is horrific fullstop, icing it is horrid and it isn't guaranteed to kill. I'd go with whatever method a person wants to take, it's all going to end up with the same outcome. Horrible for me to say but is true.

I say bag, brick, wham

Well, I'd never advocate icing a fish unless I was certain it was unconcious.

EDIT - sorry, that was uncalled for. I think the point I wanted to get across was that we now know enough about fish to know what is a peaceful death for them. Maybe your average hobbyist doesn't know the veterinary recommendations for the euthanasia of certain species of animal but the information is out there. I certainly don't agree that all/any/most methods are acceptable on the basis that the end is the same. I would treat a fish with the same consideration I give to any other species or group of animals.
I would say for very small fish boilong them would be as good as bashing thm with a blunt object, I would say boiling is not acceptable for a large fish though as it would take longer for the fish to die, the age old method of knocking a fish on the head ( for a large fish) to kill it is ok in my opinion, you've just got to judge whats best for the size fish you have
i say just let the poor little fish live
or if you have to kill it cut the head clean off its the quickest way

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