I'm really watering this down, to avoid getting kicked out... but I've read some advice to newbies lately, where one wonders if the person offing advice has ever had the fish in question... in a couple cases, I have these fish, & found the advice, even from respected members, to be completely opposite of my experience... in some of these cases, the advice was about Electric Blue Acarra's ( we could argue, are these man made, line bred, or imported from Mars )... but these particular fish have almost none of the traits of wild type Acarra, both in my experience, and most on line information... so to offer advice that would pertain to any other Acarra, is doing a disservice to the OP... I'm sorry, but this type of thing pushes my buttons... please, if you have not actually had experience with a "specific" fish, resist the urge to offer your advice... especially if these are respected members, it makes me want to quit posting...
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