Sorority In The Planning!

LOL  Don't fret on having her fish shipped.  She is a very accomplished breeder and knows how to ship fish.    There are a couple of breeders that sell on aquabid that have some nice fish for relatively cheap. They are in Louisiana if that is closer to you than Missouri.  They ship fish all the time too so having some shipped to you from them wouldn't be such a big deal either.  They go by the names 84Elmo2001 and M1247m -- they are a husband/wife team.  Chard56 is another US breeder that you can get a bunch of females from Arkansas.
I would trust any of these breeders to get you some nice females and be able to ship them with no losses. As for age -- I always go for the younger ones just because they seem to adjust better to situations and it is best to add as many to the tank at one time as possible.
Well the only reason I wanted to drive was to save on shipping costs, but perhaps one of these breeders would be able to cut me a deal on shipping since I need sixteen fish. (I have removed the community tank idea as a possibility.) I have seen those last three on aquabid several times. I'll contact them to see when they'll have a large group ready.

I wonder if Blackwater will hold some of her fry for me? I'll probably have to make my own Facebook account to contact her. Small price to pay.
She sells on Ebay too so I don't really see why you would have to make a FB account just for that. Or if you want, I can get her info for you to just email her.   I know most breeders will cut deals on groups of fish.
Oh an email address would be fantastic! This is ridiculous. I'm a terrible young adult. :)
Oops I just noticed that I mentioned Blackwater Bettas instead of Basement Bettas.  Both are US breeders with great fish but Basement Bettas is the one I was meaning to mention.  
  I hope to have her email for you by the end of the day.  :D
Here is BasementBetta's email.  :D
She's got sixteen females reserved just for me at five dollars each! :yay:
Excellent :D

Are your progress pics going all on this thread?
Great to hear that you will be able to get some of her fish.  She has excellent fish.  :D
I'm so excited that I accidentally got in a painting/drawing mood! I actually started a cockatoo apisto which is looking really great.

But now that I have my fish ordered (though not yet paid for) I need a tank. I'll be making that purchase once I get settled in my cottage. The day I move in should also be the day I start the journal.

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