After an unfortunate loss of all my aquariums, except for my ten gallon for my crowntail Phoenix, I am planning a betta sorority. These tanks have always fascinated me, an I love the males, so why not females?
I'm looking for additions to my list of needed items, as well as any suggestions for keeping a calm group.
20 gallon long
IAL (if I can get my LFS to order them for me)
A variety of tall plants like several anubius species, as few as a few dwarf amazon swords, probably jungle val, etc (any plant ideas would be great)
8 females
Appropriate heating and filtration
Clay pot caves
Probably sand
Also, would I be able to house any other fish? I rather like harlequin rasboras but I'm certainly up for other species.
Does anyone know any good links for further research or anything of the sort?
I'm looking for additions to my list of needed items, as well as any suggestions for keeping a calm group.
20 gallon long
IAL (if I can get my LFS to order them for me)
A variety of tall plants like several anubius species, as few as a few dwarf amazon swords, probably jungle val, etc (any plant ideas would be great)
8 females
Appropriate heating and filtration
Clay pot caves
Probably sand
Also, would I be able to house any other fish? I rather like harlequin rasboras but I'm certainly up for other species.
Does anyone know any good links for further research or anything of the sort?