Sooo Frustrated!


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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took all the rock out and now cant get it to look nice.. been at it for ages..had to walk away from it for a while :-(
wish id never touched it now :(

right going to give it another go :shout:
don't worry shelagh... it never rains but it pours :flowers: Just put on your :music: and place the rock :flex: down wherever it looks good at the time [if doing this to wam the results could get nasty :p]

Hi Shelagh,
Dont worry too much about your arrangement. As you add corals it will change anyway as they almost always will be attached to a chunk of LR.. Just do a basic scape with a few bommies and it will sort of shape itself as you go along.
Dont dwell on it at the moment, It will never look right. Basic scape and leave well alone.
well its done , thanks for the support you 2 :) now i know why i never really bothered in the tropical tanks... corr frustrating or what!! but like i say ive done my best, its got 50L of clean RO so ill get a pic on when ive cleared up and its settled a bit :)

shelagh xxxx
Welcome to the Stress Academy S.
ok so ive done my best ...3 times :/ and this is what i ended up with



don`t know if you can make out the shape in the centre that i`ve tried to create.. but its there... looks better in real life :)
Shelagh..great will be a lot more stable now and easier for placing new stock onto...

[looking at picture front on]

??????????????? how else can you in a pic...???
It certainly is better than the before Shelagh.

As Big C says, your shape will change as you start to stock with corals anyway. You have created quite a few shelves that will be very useful and I can see the shapes you have incorporated.

You will get a flair as you start to add the corals for what looks good. Pictures never sow all the nooks and crannies anyway.

Fantastic Start.

PS Why don't you start a journal
Shelagh..great will be a lot more stable now and easier for placing new stock onto...

[looking at picture front on]

??????????????? how else can you in a pic...???
lol im still trying to figure out how to look at something in different angls from one picture ???? ???? :p
Shelagh....That's amazing from where I'm sitting, now off you go and research coral placement.
This tank has bags of potential.
Just make sure you have good flow all around that structure. Don't change anything just upgrade the pumps if you feel the flow isn't as it should be.
Great Work
Shelagh, that is looking amazing - like a proper slice of ocean. Well worth your hard work I think :)

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